Content Warning

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Notice: This character is in constant development! Information may be incomplete or subject to change.


Persephone's story deals with serious content matter which may be briefly mentioned in their character profile. Nothing is discussed in depth, but to be safe, there is a content warning for mentions of: gr**ming, vaguely implied CSA, child marriage, emotional + physical abuse, trauma bonding, cult activity, inhumane experimentation, murder, death, and mental health. There will be warnings prior to these topics being mentioned, and they will only be mentioned in the biography section of Persephone's profile, which can be easily skipped over if desired.
As a character for the DC UNIVERSE, Persephone's character profile may also contain mentions of violence, criminal activity, supernatural or fantasical themes, and adult content. Please ask for additional content to be tagged if I have missed anything.

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