Pastel Moon [F2U]



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1. Moon Pastel

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F2U│Moblie Friendly│Customizeable│Simple│Moodboard│Peom│For Characters

A cute simple layout for
when you just wanna info dump about your OC or just a cute place to keep notes


  1. Don't remove or make the credit hard to see
  2. Do not sell or redistribute.
  3. Do not edit in WYSIWYG
  4. Can edit in Circle Jounery's Live Toyhouse Editor
  5. Frankenstein the code, if you know how to do that and give credit to the creators.




NAME Name Here
GENDER Gender Here
PRONOUNS Pronouns Here
HEIGHT Height Here
AGE Age Here
SEXUALITY Sexuality Here
STATUS Dead/Alive

jsLHsdo.png gv84chL.png YLFs8Fj.png CsoBm0J.png
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧trait✧trait✧trait✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧

"A quote or blurb that sums up your character's whole vibe"


Oat cake icing caramels gummies ice cream. Jelly chocolate bar apple pie cake chocolate bar jelly-o bear claw brownie. Shortbread bear claw carrot cake donut sesame snaps pastry fruitcake oat cake ice cream. Pie lollipop icing dragée tart tiramisu pastry. Soufflé jelly beans cookie apple pie powder muffin chupa chups. Caramels dragée croissant jelly chocolate bar halvah chupa chups soufflé. Bear claw sugar plum pastry candy tart sweet sesame snaps biscuit. Halvah chocolate cake gingerbread sweet roll sugar plum gingerbread sweet roll. Ice cream chocolate cake cake cotton candy brownie biscuit fruitcake ice cream oat cake. Caramels fruitcake cupcake sweet roll lollipop. Sugar plum sweet sweet roll cheesecake chupa chups. Lemon drops candy canes candy canes tart ice cream. Biscuit jelly beans danish caramels liquorice brownie wafer pudding.

Tiramisu sweet roll muffin jelly beans marzipan. Danish candy topping jelly-o gingerbread. Topping cotton candy halvah liquorice caramels danish. Dessert apple pie pudding donut chocolate cake pie icing. Danish macaroon carrot cake cake wafer bear claw. Pastry lemon drops chocolate cake shortbread jelly-o cake. Tart marshmallow bear claw jelly-o powder gummies topping. Cotton candy apple pie cookie croissant caramels. Oat cake lollipop donut toffee tart chupa chups halvah lemon drops pastry. Danish danish caramels pastry fruitcake muffin caramels jujubes. Cupcake lemon drops oat cake gummies oat cake toffee gummies. Wafer candy canes sweet roll dragée candy. Carrot cake ice cream biscuit liquorice jelly-o caramels.

Sesame snaps lollipop fruitcake sweet roll gummies tiramisu bear claw cheesecake. Gummi bears tiramisu cake apple pie soufflé fruitcake jelly-o. Apple pie gummi bears cheesecake sesame snaps pastry marzipan cotton candy. Lemon drops cheesecake shortbread chocolate toffee cookie. Sweet roll caramels candy cupcake icing candy canes. Marzipan jujubes ice cream biscuit cookie lollipop candy icing. Bear claw liquorice cookie icing marzipan sugar plum carrot cake. Toffee cake candy gummies sugar plum caramels. Bonbon lollipop bear claw cake jelly jelly-o cake. Marzipan soufflé marshmallow ice cream lollipop pudding. Tart carrot cake ice cream sweet roll dragée candy canes croissant donut jujubes. Dessert chocolate bar jelly bonbon oat cake. Chocolate cake marshmallow dessert tart gummies candy pastry.

Sesame snaps lollipop fruitcake sweet roll gummies tiramisu bear claw cheesecake. Gummi bears tiramisu cake apple pie soufflé fruitcake jelly-o. Apple pie gummi bears cheesecake sesame snaps pastry marzipan cotton candy. Lemon drops cheesecake shortbread chocolate toffee cookie. Sweet roll caramels candy cupcake icing candy canes. Marzipan jujubes ice cream biscuit cookie lollipop candy icing. Bear claw liquorice cookie icing marzipan sugar plum carrot cake. Toffee cake candy gummies sugar plum caramels. Bonbon lollipop bear claw cake jelly jelly-o cake. Marzipan soufflé marshmallow ice cream lollipop pudding. Tart carrot cake ice cream sweet roll dragée candy canes croissant donut jujubes. Dessert chocolate bar jelly bonbon oat cake. Chocolate cake marshmallow dessert tart gummies candy pastry.


Poem (if you can come up with one)

"Gingerbread jujubes marzipan sweet sweet roll cake.
Chocolate cake sweet roll lemon drops lollipop tiramisu marshmallow pastry.
Dessert chocolate dessert cookie chupa chups tootsie roll chupa chups candy.
Marshmallow halvah icing cake chupa chups donut tiramisu.
Dessert caramels carrot cake candy canes cheesecake jelly-o dessert.
Jujubes bear claw marshmallow pie sweet. "

Mini Moodboard


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