Chrystopher Ilvenitte



2 years, 2 months ago


Chrystoph Ilvenitte

Gender Male

Pronouns He/him

Age 25

DoB February 3

Sign Pisces

S.O. DemiAce

Race Human/Sea Monster

Status Alive/In relationship

Alignment Lawful Good

Occupation King

Voice Claim - Cyno [Genshin impact]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.


  • Monsters / unconventional pets
  • Rosy and citrus scents
  • Griffins
  • Purple


  • The sea
  • Questions about producing an heir soon
  • Bastiaan
  • Bastiaan


  • Garden Tending
  • Sparring
  • Content


Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Unjust Fair
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf




DOm. hand

XXXX (Content)


The Chariot

Major arcana

Two of Swords

Minor arcana

Sea Dragon

Spirit animal












Quirks & Habits

- Because of what his mother had told him about his "curse", he has an irrational fear of staying in waters for too long. Bathing for him is extremely quick because of this as if he stays for too long, the "curse" makes his skin break out in scales.
- Chrys' love for animal even extends to monsters like Griffins, Owlbears, Dragons, Displacer beasts and the many more monsters of the land. People tell him its dangerous to keep such beasts as pets, but he somehow manages to keep them docile in his palace.
- Despite being a man of average height, his appetite seems to rival that of people twice his size

Communication skills

- He's a good public speaker, able to hold a crowd's attention throughout the whole oreal.
-When He's feeling flustered or nervous during a talk, he tends to play with any jewelry he has on him, fiddling it around and between his fingers.

Showing affection

- Chrys enjoys physical touch and affection but to get to that point of comfortability, one would need to develope their relationship with him slow burn style.
- He shows romantic affection by cpnstant hand holding, suprises kisses and very affectionate words.
- One thing he enjoys a lot is to directly press his face into his partner.


Dire Bear ribs


Grape juice


Flowery (Rose)











Time of day

Loose pants

Clothing item



Battle Music





Height 5'8ft

Weight content

Build Lean

Face shape content

Hairline Round

Color scheme Purples and white

Main aesthetic Sea royalty

Clothing style Loose but fitting.

Facial features

Despite keeping himself as dry as he possibly can, Scales still somehow make themselves visible on the edges of his face. He has noticably sharp teeth with the bottom canines being larger than the ones on top. He has slightly pointed ears that differ from the ears of the common half elves of the land.

Scars & Marks

He doesn't own any tattoos on his body nor does he have any scars, though he sports a few spots of scales scattereed throughout his body.


None, doesn't think about getting anytime soon.


Has earring piercing marks, but rarely uses it as he's found it extremely bothersome to mix the trails of his crown with dangling earrings. They often tangle themselves together.


An assortment of mostly purples with the occassional other colors added into the mix. Their either long and flowy coats or really form fitting under clothes that dry easy.

  • Open toes shoewear
  • Long FLowing coats
  • Loose shirts
  • Light clothing
  • Heavy coats
  • Winter Coats
  • Gloves
  • Socks


General Info

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer neque quam, lacinia ac elit non, molestie gravida urna. Maecenas ac dictum dolor. Suspendisse ut ullamcorper libero, a rutrum ligula. Nunc facilisis leo risus, eget feugiat velit vestibulum quis. Mauris efficitur eros vitae justo auctor, quis sodales diam auctor. Suspendisse non erat eu odio vestibulum suscipit. Sed nec enim pulvinar, cursus tellus id, scelerisque sem. Proin mattis velit blandit ante finibus fermentum.

Nunc consectetur faucibus nisl, sit amet rhoncus elit volutpat et. Aliquam risus ante, ullamcorper vitae ex in, porttitor pellentesque lacus. Sed non orci erat. Mauris ac pulvinar arcu, eu tristique nunc. Quisque consectetur ipsum vel elementum suscipit. Vestibulum sit amet purus sed dui posuere pulvinar. Mauris congue nibh non nulla luctus efficitur. Proin vitae placerat urna, a convallis eros. Suspendisse vitae viverra nulla. Nulla feugiat justo finibus purus pulvinar viverra. Nulla porttitor consectetur neque, dapibus bibendum ligula semper nec. Proin urna ligula, feugiat vel condimentum nec, vulputate a nisl. In a interdum arcu. Quisque vehicula augue vel risus pellentesque feugiat. Vestibulum massa ligula, lacinia eget justo vel, tincidunt sagittis leo. Sed finibus imperdiet lacinia. Vestibulum ornare velit ac enim sollicitudin, et ultrices dolor mattis.


Proin diam est, euismod at libero commodo, posuere mollis turpis. Sed et auctor massa. Aliquam eu faucibus lacus, in facilisis turpis. Etiam quis velit tempor, mollis tortor et, venenatis eros. Donec et consequat sem. Nam hendrerit odio eu leo venenatis, at auctor nunc ornare. Donec neque neque, faucibus eu mauris ut, lobortis vulputate magna. Nunc at dolor tortor. Cras vitae velit pharetra, viverra lorem a, elementum ipsum. Mauris eget interdum magna. Phasellus neque purus, viverra eu ligula quis, pretium convallis est. Praesent condimentum velit ante, vel tincidunt risus gravida at. Suspendisse ex sapien, dictum nec erat eget, sollicitudin vulputate ipsum.

Fusce tortor sapien, pulvinar quis dui at, ultricies molestie felis. Maecenas vitae magna vel nibh sodales molestie. Aliquam elit magna, commodo sed aliquam et, efficitur eu libero. Nulla laoreet urna a scelerisque cursus. Fusce sed velit eget neque laoreet ultricies quis eget tortor. Integer volutpat fermentum quam sollicitudin cursus. Nam sagittis massa eu lobortis auctor. Aenean eu odio vitae erat viverra lacinia id vel sapien. Curabitur quis tincidunt purus, sed vulputate leo. Integer consectetur nulla non est viverra, nec ultrices felis vestibulum. Vivamus eros nunc, congue a tristique quis, finibus et sem. Nunc augue justo, venenatis at facilisis ut, tempor sed elit. Maecenas consequat viverra nisl, eu rhoncus nibh euismod eu. Suspendisse vitae cursus nunc. Nullam id neque dignissim, posuere quam id, dignissim urna. Nullam id ligula imperdiet, facilisis quam non, vehicula arcu. Sed id eros et ipsum iaculis fringilla eu a eros. Curabitur placerat neque eu augue scelerisque dictum.


Praesent tincidunt congue molestie. Sed facilisis vehicula mollis. Fusce rhoncus hendrerit mauris in tempor. Quisque ac justo malesuada, finibus magna pulvinar, volutpat sapien. Etiam diam quam, sodales eu nibh a, volutpat lacinia diam. Vivamus vitae condimentum nisi, a facilisis neque. Pellentesque faucibus efficitur dapibus. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur vel varius ipsum, eget commodo justo. Donec efficitur ut velit ut fermentum. Integer in magna porta, fermentum massa sed, fringilla dolor. Duis ac turpis risus. Cras porta magna sit amet dictum ultricies. Nulla sit amet orci nibh. Duis varius urna in elit venenatis, ut euismod massa fringilla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis ac augue dui.

Maecenas porta ullamcorper faucibus. Fusce non arcu eget velit lacinia euismod a in augue. Duis leo sapien, aliquam ut nisl quis, interdum condimentum sem. Fusce blandit sed massa nec venenatis. Aliquam iaculis purus ut eros euismod finibus. Integer auctor dolor quis faucibus porttitor. Quisque in congue orci, non tincidunt libero. Suspendisse aliquam maximus porta. Vivamus vitae est imperdiet, feugiat diam quis, accumsan urna. Sed ac tempor sapien, vel posuere urna. In laoreet vulputate suscipit. Morbi egestas felis sit amet urna gravida suscipit. Sed dignissim justo et eleifend facilisis. Morbi scelerisque, ante in lacinia bibendum, orci urna volutpat erat, in elementum justo turpis vel erat. Cras imperdiet massa ut lectus facilisis molestie. Curabitur arcu ligula, ornare in mi vel, eleifend faucibus risus. Vestibulum augue mauris, auctor commodo laoreet in, vehicula eget dolor. Etiam id vulputate sapien.


Etiam gravida sed odio accumsan egestas. Donec vitae neque pretium, dignissim turpis ornare, mattis diam. Curabitur vitae arcu rhoncus, pharetra turpis ac, condimentum arcu. Duis non neque sed arcu cursus porta. Sed egestas euismod tortor, quis iaculis tortor finibus nec. Phasellus interdum augue nulla, non vehicula nulla facilisis in. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam purus nisl, dictum a facilisis nec, efficitur in enim. Sed eu dolor vitae dui ullamcorper tincidunt eget sit amet ex. Nunc quis euismod diam. Aenean interdum ullamcorper nibh sit amet interdum. Morbi erat sapien, placerat ut rhoncus eget, hendrerit eget ipsum. Suspendisse elementum suscipit tristique. In eget tincidunt mauris, eget luctus dui. Curabitur fermentum varius purus, id lacinia velit.

Ut tempor nisl ut tempor pulvinar. Ut diam velit, cursus ac cursus eu, interdum quis tellus. In ut tellus sit amet ligula mollis euismod id ac nibh. Vestibulum commodo malesuada velit et imperdiet. Nulla non auctor lorem. Etiam eu nisl eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum arcu lorem, viverra sit amet quam non, sodales gravida augue.








Tactic First fighter

Attitude Never backs down

Distance Close-combat

Weapon Great Axe

Fighting style

Despite what people think of the barbarian class, Chrys doesn't blindly go into battle. Intead, he actually assesses the situation, where he would be most useful in a large scale battle or if its a one on one, where he can force an enemy into a chokehold. Tactics are still an important aspect of fighting that Chrys takes into account and once he does, he then goes on a series of fast and heavy attacks, to try and make the other focus their attention on him as the most dangerous thing on the field at the moment and nothing else.


  • Powerful Blows
  • Heavy weapon wielder
  • Observant


  • Slower in attacking
  • Ranged magic attacks
  • Avoids water as much as possible
Great Axe Swinging


As his main weapon for fighting in battles, Chrys has earned a great amount of control over how he swings the large axes he owns. His hands don't shake when he holds the axeby a single hand nor does he have it stray from where hes aiming it towards.

Sea Monster Transformation


Unknown to him, he is able to turn into a large sea monster when he fully submerges himself underwater under a certain period of time. This allows his body to inately know it is in the right environment for transformation and transform him into an 80ft sea monster. How he transforms back into a human is something he still has to learn from his estranged sea father.

Unarmed Fighting
Fighting style


Chrys is a capable fighter even when he doesn't have his axes,


Great Axe


One of the many great azes he owns, Many of these are quite hefty in their value either because of the rare materials they use for its strength and durability for battle, or because of the intricate and beautiful designs grafted onto the blade or its staff.

a small pocket of berries


Because he likes to feed animals on any opportunity he gets, he carries around a small amount of berries and other sorts of food. The berries and seeds that it contains are simply those he finds around growing near or in his castle.



  • Originally was the "good kingdom" back when it was only Ilvenitte, Baet de Gaarde, and Affaveux. Baet de Gaarde being the bad one at the time caused Chrys and Bastiaan to be enemies back then. They no longer have that label of their kingdoms but they still keep the rivalry.
  • Avien originally was supposed to be the one that turns into a monster/werebeast though that was scapped early and given to Chrys instead.
  • He's one of the OG cast from 2020He remains mostly the same..


  • As a barbarian, he is an absolute menace on the battlefield. His rage is able to empower him to destroy opponents way larger than him.
  • Despite his average size, he's surpisingly much stronger than he looks and it takes many of his opponents by surprise.
  • He's fairly alright with other weapons, but prefers to fight with his great axes.
  • In a combat scenario, He might inflict disadvantages on water elementals as they fear the bloodline of seamonsters in the order of Umbreon.


  • Because of what his mother taught him, he did have a strong prejudice against every member of the Skull children tribe.
  • Chrys has some bottled up anger issues that he tries to keep in check, but somehow Bastiaan seems to be the one that ruins his hold on it everytime.


  • There are still visible patches of scales on Chrys, they are reflective and causes a slight rainbow shimmer effect when the sun hits just right.
  • The crown is attached on a chain since he's a barbarian class and it lets him not lose it when going off in battles.

Extra Voice Lines

Goofing off 01


Goofing off 02

Goofing off 03

Goofing off 4



Write about the relationship here. This box will scroll on PC. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


Chrys believes that Bastiaan III was born for the sole purpose of pissing him off, especially after their first meeting had ticked him off on how Bastiaan refused to stop commenting ignorant things about how he dresses.


Dropped on him by Calcifer's father asking him to take care of the young prince in his stead, he keeps Calcifer around making sure that he's safe. He has no faith in Augustus, the risen dead king, returning for his son based on how dire he had described the situation was but he will honor the promise he made to the deadman. Chrys is perplexed at how much Calcifer doesn't know about the world outside his kingdom's castle walls due to his parent's coddling of him (though he has a hard time blaming them after hearing the kinds of horrors happening in the kingdom from Calcifer himself) so he's taken it upon himself to teach him what he's been missing out on.