Unknown's Comments

I acutally really like this guy erm erm I could offer the 15$ + someone from my toyhouse (Only guy offlimits is lunchbox) :]

Hi hi super sorry for the slow reply!! Was busy doin smthin lmao. I made a list of characters that caught my eye!! Also i'd be cool with just trading w/o the $$!!



Hex [ especially like this guy, I'd be willing to add some sorta art to the trade if you were to trade him!! Definitely understand if not tho :]]





im a bit tent vvith hex but i thunk i could trade him for some extra art!!
I vvas honestly tempted to get this guy and then give him a alt pallet thats purple instead of vvhite and vvith a yellovv face. ( colors like that alvvays tickle my brain)
so honestly Id totally trade them all for maybe a extra fullbody of that alt pallet if thats cool vv/ you!

Any pallets with purple are my FAVORITE so I can absolutely do that!! Do you have discord? :] (Just for easier discussion lol)

I do indeed!! im .vindigo. on discord!