Gobby Smurf ♡



2 years, 2 months ago


Gobby is a Baby Goblin, currently being raised by Naturette and Lucky Smurf. He is quite mischievous, hyper and outgoing. His foster parents can't seem to get a break with him flying around! When he grew up to be a Gobling (aka Goblin child), he became very naughty and enjoyed doing not-so-nice things. Gobby liked to break things, cause trouble, throw food, eat books, etc. Papa smurf had to step in and discipline him, explaining that "Being unsmurfy is bad!". Naturette and Lucky learned from this, and was able to properly raise the goblin to be good. Lastly when he made it to adulthood, he was a bit shy and careful. He knows he's not a smurf and accepts that fact. Sure, Papa could probably brew a potion to transform him into a smurf, but he's quite happy as he is. Gobby also became independent without needing the smurfs to guide him. However he visits the village very often to assist with chores and working duties.

Gobby was delivered by a vulture to the smurfs' village because Gobby's biological parents weren't able to take care of him themselves. The Mother goblin chose to give her son to the smurfs specifically as they didn't want him to grow up in a nasty or horrid environment. At the same time, Naturette had became super attached to baby smurf and often babysitted him the most. It's most notable that her hair turned a glowing blonde whenever she had the little squeezer and it always reverted back to normal when Baby is respectfully handed off to another smurf. Naturette often daydreamed about the various games that she and Baby would play, since both smurfs have much to learn about the village and their environment. However early in the morning, she gets an idea! "What if I had a baby smurf of my own??" she blurted aloud. The other smurfs' expressions varied from laughter to awkwardness to confusion. They had to explain to her that baby smurfs only come once in a (very rare) blue moon. Lucky offered the idea about using wishes to get her own baby (Like blowing dandelions, wishing upon shooting stars and smurfday wishes). Skeptical at first, Naturette enjoyed the potential of having her own child so she wished multiple times with the techniques mentioned in order to achieve her goal. and it worked!... sort of... She ended up with a baby goblin at her doorstep instead of a baby smurf. Despite this inconvenience, Naturette LOVED the little guy and decided to raise him to become smurfy! Lucky assisted in the matter, as he blames himself for the mix-up. (He believes his mysterious powers of good/bad luck gambling occurred while helping Naturette make her multiple wishes, so he helps raise the baby too.) Goblins are known for their bad luck and troublesome behavior, so the other smurfs weren't too happy with their new "guest". They even tried to convince Naturette to return him to his real parents, but she refused. Gobby and Baby smurf became playmates and kept each other company most of the time. Baby even helped Gobby stay a good goblin~

Fun facts:
*"Smurf" is his last name!
*His design is supposed to be a mix of the two Goblin species shown in the cartoon show (https://smurfs.fandom.com/wiki/Goblins) with a smurfy look as well!
*He has hair, but keeps it super short + under his hat.
*He ages just like a smurf.
*He can and will eat anything-
*As a baby, he often flew a lot to try to find the perfect sleeping spot (since goblins sleep upside down like bats), which caused much distress among his parents. It took them awhile to figure out what he was trying to do lol
*He definitely made Tailor mad, by having him make unique clothes for him that'd fit with his wings.