Tie (Young)



6 years, 7 months ago


Name: Tyler Wolf

Nickname: Tie (He all ways goes by this)

Gender: Male 


Race: False-animal

Bio: Tie is a 14 years old. He is a False-Animal meaning he is able to an animal depending on rather he feels like to or not, Tie has the power to float in the air with ease but has a heart problem that makes it so he can not run or he will risk himself Of falling under a welcome mat of death. Tie Is unsure who his real mother or father are and mainly keeps to himself about it. He lives with his new mother who is call Sarah. She has been sweet and caring to Tie and keeps him form running and doing anything that can hart him. Tie dream is to be able to run in the grass without having to walk through the grass.Tie's Hobbies vary's such as sewing and working on cool card tricks to show off. Tie is really happy most of the time and enjoys eating candy, Even chocolate! But is unable to have it because him being a false animal of a wolf, So his belly can not handle it.  

Powers: Tie can float and throw cards like throwing knives. Tie can also summon things with his cards. (Such as swords,  paper, arrows, or bandages)  


Older: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecx66N…
