
6 years, 6 months ago


The candle must always be lit...

Name Anora Nock
Age 19
Alias Anora
Gender Female
Sexuality Aro / Ace
Pronouns She / Her
Theme -

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  • Or maybe general warnings such as "No NFSW" or "Do not draw them in revealing clothing."
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Anora is a devoted friend, who try's her best to be sincere whenever possible. She is an ambitious individual, who strives for consistency within her work. She is known by her friends to be a perfectionist, as she can be easily consumed by tasks resulting in copious amounts of energy being focused on the one project. This sometimes results in the neglect of other things, as all her energy and focus is put into one place, of course when she has realised her actions she is quick to apologise.

Her most prominent aspect of personality would be her loyalty. It is easy for an individual to gain the trust of Anora, and when done so she will defend them without question, sometimes even being blinded to their wrongdoings. Once trust is lost, however, it is hard to regain, and Anora will try every possible way of avoiding the individual in question.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

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Maecenas ac pretium quam. Mauris ullamcorper, sapien ac pellentesque egestas, sem urna blandit felis, et scelerisque metus lacus ac diam.

Phasellus tincidunt neque elit, quis facilisis odio molestie in. Nulla neque lectus, malesuada vel congue sit amet, tempor quis est. Quisque sit amet nisi nisi.


Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Donec placerat arcu a turpis commodo eleifend.

Aenean at odio velit. Morbi accumsan condimentum nunc, vitae semper justo luctus vitae.


Before Anora came into existence, her parents Reimund and Dahlia lived isolated within a small cottage. Her father was the only one who worked, as Dahlia was recovering from an ailment that made her incredibly weak, leaving her to write and paint through the hours. The pair were close, often sharing their dreams and ambitions with each-other; Reimund, in particular, would talk about how much he wanted a child to raise.

Months passed of the same routine until one winter's day there was a disturbance. Dahlia had been overcome by the illness, becoming weaker then ever before. Reimund, not wanting to loose the one he held dear, attempted to seek help from local townsfolk who (without hesitation) shut him out and refused to give aid. He began to return to Dahlia, noticing how the winter's night had brought with it promise of harsh snowfall; he was soon lost from the familiar path, unknowing of the direction he travelled. He soon came across a small cottage - much like his own - and he entered. The doors were unlocked and, to his surprise, there was someone waiting for him.

The figure standing before him was Wik, a wizard of high spirits who sought to create mischief; this individual in question held the ability to change his form into whatever he desired through his long hair, which had been bewitched with powers of trickery. His hair reached his legs and could wrap around his form to create whatever appearance was desired. He resided in a magical cottage, one that could change in location; he had no control over this, however, as the house seemed to go where it was needed the most. He conversed with Reimund, taking the shape of an elderly woman (because Wik believed that a stranger would be more trusting if he was in this form) and told him to take an old lantern, containing a single candle. Wik said that if the holder made known their 'hearts desires' then lit the candle, then those wishes would be granted.

Reimund was hesitant but took the lantern anyway as he was desperate to find a solution for his wife. He stayed a few minutes, waiting for the storm to clear, before making his way back to his wife.

Reimund retells his story, and Dahlia chuckles at the nonsense her husband is spouting. She goes along with the tale anyway, hoping it would calm her husband's nerves. She is given the candle, and she makes her wish.

Reimund waits eagerly, wanting to know if the stranger was in fact delusional. To the pair's surprise, the lantern begins to fill with copious amounts of wax. Reimund was shocked by this and took the lantern from his wife. Hot wax began spilling from the opening, pooling at Reimund's feet. The wax had begun to take form, moulding itself into the shape of a sleeping child, before finally cooling.

Reimund is both confused and angered by the sudden occurrence, wondering what he had just witnessed. Dahlia confesses that she did not wish for a cure, instead wishing for a child. She began to confide in Reimund, saying that she can now rest easy knowing that there would be someone there for him. Dahlia would later pass away that night, leaving Reimund alone with the unnamed child.

Reimund attempted to look after the girl, but every time he looked at her face he was saddened that it was not his wife’s. The girl was given the lantern, as they had discovered it was crucial to her survival; she was tasked with keeping the flame alight.

Some years passed, and Reimund grew distant. The girl spent her time alone in her room, reading what little books her mother had left behind, finding particular interest in the books specifying medicinal herbs. There were others that seemed fascinating, such as ones detailing the art of candle-making, and others that went to great lengths describing how to create perfumes from rose petals. After a few months of this, however, Reimund threatened to burn the books, saying that they were not hers to read; they contained Dahlia's specialised notes, making them treasured memories of his love. She quickly found a new habit, which involved collecting wildflowers to observe and small sticks to fuel the lantern by her side.

Another season passed, and the two found themselves in winter. Reimund was motivated to burn Dahlia's books after his pile of firewood had begun to dwindle. This caused an outrage, with the girl defending her right to keep them; not willing to see her side, Reimund demanded that she leave his residence, with little regard as to whether or not she survives. Off into the stormy night, she fled, soon coming across a peculiar structure: an old cottage. She knocks on the door and asks if she can stay the night. She comes face-to-face with the Wizard Wik, who obliges in her request of refuge. They talk over some warm tea, and Wik brings to the conversation the topic of her lantern, which triggers the explanation of her beginnings. Wik confesses that he didn't expect the lantern to hold such power, instead believing it to be a hoax. Wik, feeling embarrassed that his endeavour to cause trouble lead to her creation, offers to mentor her and allow for her to stay in his cottage.

Anora now resides with Wik, and works in her candle shop (which has become a strong sense of pride for her).


  • She carries a lantern around wherever she goes, as it is her life source; the candle must always be lit, therefore she is always fuelling it and would never let it out of her sight. When the candle dims, she feels incredibly weak and if it were to go out she would die.
  • She now works in a candle shop which was formally owned by Wik, but given to her as he wishes to further his pursuits in wizardry. She enjoys making specialised candles (examples would be candles with a pleasant aura, candles that emit colourful/scented smoke when lit, candles that help with migraines, things of that sort) as well as creating herbal remedies.
  • Her hat was given as a present from Wik. She doesn't wear it indoors, but it is always close by.
  • She doesn’t know much alchemy, but that doesn't bother her as much rather prefers to work in the realms of medicinal candles/botany.
  • She can perform simple spells. These would include light spells, spells to move objects, and spells to heal minor cuts and bruises.
  • Her first attempt in enchantment was on a broom, which turned its body into a candle-like figure. After that incident, the broom grew a mind of its own. It would sweep on its own accord, and move away from strangers. Anora has kept it like this, as she found it humorous.

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Friend and Mentor

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Anora never met Dahlia, but knows that they would have been good friends if she was still alive.

Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!