Mingle Jingle



2 years, 3 months ago


[ Chaotic Clown ]

Wild / Childish / Unpredictable / Jolly / Trickster
Nicknames: Mingles, Minks
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: Around early 20's
Height: 6'7

Mingles doesn't have any arms and is mute; doesn't speak anything except for gurgles, chirpy noises or sometimes ear-piercing laughs. Coworkers have sometimes been surprised when Mingles suddenly pops up out of nowhere even with them having bells attached. Mingles may not have any arms but from the help of Matt they are able to move their shirt and hat to help out with tasks that otherwise wouldn't be possible, although they can't lift heavy stuff. Despite them being extremely chaotic when performing or just roaming around the camp they are pretty calm and careful around the souls that arrives to see the Circus, especially children. Most coworkers usually takes a distance from Mingles cause of their wild personality, but will give compliments to their performance. They are respected but on a distance.

[ Relationships: ]

Mingles is someone who other workers usually takes a distance from, but not for Matt.
They always seem to be talking about something even though Mingles doesn't speak anything other then huffs and puffs and the occasional laugh. Matt also seem to trust them a lot to let them borrow his staff for cooking, which to a surprise always comes back in one piece. They sometimes can be seen wrestling.
Matt also takes care of Mingles whenever they are having a mental episode, in the end of it they will always be thankful for it. Even though Matt can't hear it.

Nothing will make Mingles laugh more then the surprised reactions they get when scaring Pierro. To Pierro's displease he has become like a sort of sport to them, especially in the beginning when he first started working at the circus. After some bonding however they can be seen hanging around the campsite just walking around in silence. Thanks to Mingles, Pierro got taught on how to juggle without even using his arms. Pierro later helps out Mingles whenever they drop stuff or doing chores, and they in return help him whenever his anxiety starts to rise and calm down.

-Ace Queen
Even though the two tend to do their acts together with volts and pirouettes they don't hang around each other quite often in their free time. Though Ace can't really understand the noises from Mingles they do know how to read their body language. It's almost like they are making music together when training, and though they might mess up and fall they can both share a laugh in the end. After all, it's just their warm up.

Mingles will usually takes their distance from him out of respect of their opposite personalities. Anzukor sees Mingles as a  fun challenge for when he tries to conduct the orchestra to play to their performance. Cause of their constant movement and random bursts of jumps it can be a bit tricky to get the right rhythm to it. Mingles does get more excited and more energetic if Anzukor is in the room playing.