


2 years, 2 months ago


He was a naughty teen, a notorious bully, back in his days. An incident happened and he found himself reviving as a demon and was renamed as "Spadius de Spaire", "Spades" for short.
During his life after death, he was given a second chance to reform and purified for Heaven, through a program of soul rehabilitation, where he was deployed back to Earth, to live his former life and learn important life lessons. He was paired with a naive lost soul, named Lucidius (Lucas, for short).
However, his heart is dead, as hard as a stone but as fragile as a glass, even after his death. It was worsen with the traumas that he got during his life, that led him into a distrusting and bitter individual. He saw others' sufferings as entertainments. What was important for him was that he did not have to deal with the same hardship that he was under. He wanted others to feel his suffering, but in a twisted way; especially to those who picked up on him and he believed murdered him.
Although he was popular in the school for being active in many school activities, he would likely steer away from others in hope to find temporary solitude.
He never respected others, even to the elderly and the weak. This also applied to those who were considered as his close "friends". He had a big ego, a self-assumed rival and bully to Lucas, even though he just wanted to help him to be claimed worthy to be purified and deserve Heaven together.
Theme: Back in School (Mother Mother)