

2 years, 3 months ago


name jesse


His existence began with war. He was carefully bred to be the strongest of his own species, and has a bride carefully picked to continue to have a stronger lineage. He has vast knowledge of battle tactics and has a nasty habit of using his brute strength to crush his opponent’s skull under his hulking legs. It’s theorizes that the dragon legs he constantly bares aren’t naturally black and red, but instead stained with his victims. This reputation he’s built himself has earned him the spot of king and allowed him to be both feared and respected by his future subjects.
Under the breath of the king’s staff, they describe him as uptite, demanding, competitive, and downright cruel. Jesse refuses to be referred to by his given name and instead takes full pride in whatever current codename he possesses. Chess is his favorite past time, though he tends to be a sore loser if he deems his opponent lesser than him.


Intimidating ⁝ Brave ⁝ Perceptive


Cruel ⁝ Blunt ⁝ Vindictive

He’s the type of guy to hold a grudge for years and want you inconvenienced or dead depending on the severity of your crime. This very much still applies to his own family.


CHARLOTTE Wife. He sees her as a best friend, and feels bad about basically stealing her desired life from her. They're equally dangerous in combat and he respects her for her ability to fight.

SHERLOCK Eldest son. Would never admit that his favorite son also terrifies him. Because of the insufficient method of training him to be ready for a war, his son often came close to killing many of his family and staff. For most of his life he locked his own son in a separate room from the rest of the family hoping to quell this problem.

ATTICUS Second-oldest son. Proud of his innate strength. Has high expectations for his future. They often play chess together and end up in stalemates.

ROMEO Middle child. A child born against all the odds being put against him, and has told him how lucky he is to be born multiple times. He sees Romeo's communication skills as a tool to be exploited rather than a skill his own son is gifted with. He sees his strong desire to be king as pitiful, for it "shouldn't be something you want. It's something you know you already have and simply waiting for the opportunity to make that clear."

CHESHIRE Youngest child. As his only daughter, he didn't really know how to connect with her. He doesn't see much potential in her either, and even often forgets she exists. His only expectation for her is to grow up to be like her mother.



  • Red-tipped black horns
  • Four black cheek markings
  • Checkered cloak with gold cufflinks
  • Four ponytail knots between 3 gold crowns
  • Often grimacing, staring, or bored
  • BIG and WIDE
