


6 years, 7 months ago


Sayuri is a very quiet and  antisocial vampire. She has the same domineering aura the rest of the  purebloods have, leaving her with little to no friends and many  servants. She’s very stern but, unlike other purebloods, she’s  adventurous. She’s very unforgiving and cold hearted towards most, save  for a few people she’s close to. She’s also very irritable. She often has many men and woman fawning over her, but it’s VERY hard for her to  be attracted to someone. Because of this, when she does grow an  attachment to a person, she falls into the yandere category. Her stern  and cold exterior quickly fades into a disorganized, spastic aura when  faced with a situation that triggers her yandere attitude. During one of  her attachments she would still appear stern and cold; the only thing  that would change was her interactions with the people around her object  of attention. She would not only kill her rivals, but torture them  through everything from little inconveniences, to brutal injuries. 

Romantically,  she is a calm, yet overbearing type. Once she knows she has won  someone’s affection, her psychotic tendencies calm down considerably.  While she is still jealous, she is easily reassured by her partner. She  isn’t able to make up fantasies of her partner leaving or cheating on  her unless faced with something immediately dangerous. 


Sayuri  is a very beautiful vampire. She walks with a graceful stride that is  second nature to purebloods. She is ghostly, because of her ability.  Even if she is a pureblood, sometimes people forget she’s there. She is  very well-groomed with curly, dark blue hair that reaches the top of her  back. When not red, her eyes are a light, coffee brown. Her nails are  always done, the color alternates monthly. When not in her uniform, she  usually wears dresses but she can wear jeans and shorts. 


 She has all the natural abilities of a pureblood; 

  • They can form shadow puppets/spies using parts of their flesh which are capable of shape shifting. 
  • Powers  to perform spells to seal off the vampire side of vampires, thus making  them a normal human. The spell also erases all of his/her memories of  being a vampire. However this spell comes at the price of their life.  (The vampire converted to human, eventually must return to his/her true  nature, if not,he/she descends into madness. However, this was only in  Yuki's case as Issaya said his son died human) 
  • Ability to control lower vampires physically 
  • Increased sense of smell 
  • Increased strength and speed. 
  • Ability  to turn humans into vampires and retain complete control over them by  becoming their master, rendering the vampire unable to kill them. The blood of their master, will also prevent an ex-human from becoming a  Level E vampire. 

 Her unique  ability is invisibility. She is able to completely make herself  disappear, as well as anything touching her. She is able to control what turns invisible mentally, meaning she can turn things yards away from  her invisible. Sometimes when she’s zoned out, her limbs will fade in  and out of vision.