


6 years, 7 months ago



Name Grimoire
Designer mazkerati
Gender Male
ObtainedBought from free-shade for 15$
Significant Other Hades
Rules May gift, trade, or resell
Species Kiamara



  • His horns are sturdy, and often getting caught on things

Grimoire is...socially awkward. He grew up controlled and sheltered, hidden from the society that his parents and older brother were a part of. As a result, he never really learned to be 'normal' in terms of personal interactions. Since running from his home, he's lived among circus freaks and his desire to interact with others beyond performing his strange contortions has never been very high. He comes across as silent, usually looks uncomfortable when people engage with him, and would really do anything possible to get out of a conversation as quickly as possible.

Oddly enough, he actually has quite the sense of humor and joking with him is the best way to bring him out of his shell a bit. He loves a good prank and poking fun at people- and while whether he participates depends solely on how he's feeling on any given day- he'll probably smile or snicker at a good joke at someone's expense.

He finds the dark and macabre fascinating, and likes to study the unusual and strange- things he was never allowed to be exposed to when he was young. 


  • He really likes using his contorting to frighten people. It's funny. 

Grimoire grew up a servant to his rather controlling parents. They were wealthy, and essentially forced him into their bidding and the bidding of his elder brother, who would receive their wealth. While his brother became their icon, their perfect child- Grimoire was rejected and viewed as lesser, guaranteed to none of his family's success. 

So given the first opportunity- he joined a wandering circus and left home. He learned the art of contortion-easy with his already flexible body, and soon became able to bend and twist his body in fascinating ways. He jumped from circus to circus but always ended up a freak among even the freaks due to his odd social habits and lack of knowledge in communicating much with others. 

He eventually ended up part of Hades band, and with him- found a true home, and a deep love and acceptance he hadn't known before. They are very close, share a lot of their interest in the dark and strange, and will fight tooth and nail to defend one another. 


  • Bugs
  • A good prank
  • Watching people get scared
  • Darkness

  • Being spoken to or speaking to strangers
  • Crowds and cities
  • Being questioned
  • Bright lights

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.