Narmaya Sonozaki



2 years, 3 months ago



6cwUlK8.png HP 65%
Attack 85%
Defense 25%
Speed 90%
Dexterity 65%
Intellect 10%
Charisma 95%
Style 100%


NAME Narmaya Sonozaki
Pronounciation Nar-My-Ah So-No-Zah-Kee
Age 21
Gender Female
Job Part-Time Model
Race Viera
Classes Dancer, Sage, Warrior
Alignment Neutral
Height 5'6"
Build Hourglass
Demeanor Bimbo
Profession Warrior of Light
HTML Pinky

"Heyy! It's like super nice to meet you darling!"

  • Dancing
  • Combat
  • Photoshoots
  • Hot Pink
  • Spicy Food
  • Being Idle
  • Tardiness
  • Mean People


Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Dishonest Sincere
Serious Trivial
Cautious Risky


Skilled with Chakrams

Famous Model


Changes Attitude in Combat




Rushes Ahead

Can get too into combat taking it too far...

Skills & Abilities

Narmaya grew up practing with chakrams at a young age, being inspired by the Viera of her village. Known for their fierce dances with passion and commitment.

Sage Healing
After leaving her village and exploring the further outside world Narmaya was tutored in healing using nouliths. An offensive way to channel her love for combat into healing and helping others was a perfect opportunity for her.

Shortly after Narmaya left her village she was scouted by a talent agency who found her sense of fashion and natural beauty as a perfect face for their company, training and hiring her to be their top model.

Spell Casting
Narmaya was blessed with innate magic at a young age, allowing her to cast spells, though aside from channeling her magic into using nouliths she often prefers using her chakrams.


Chakrams [ Weapons ]
Narmaya carries around a pair of chakrams at all times, never letting them leave her waist. These are the weapons she's most skilled with, preferring to fight with them over any other weapon.

Nouliths [ Weapon ]
Her secondary weapons, the Nouliths allow her to utilize sage magic when her friends and party are struggling and require a more defensive strategy.

Firecrest Earring [ Accessory ]
A small orange earring adorned to her right ear at almost all times. She attained this from someone she looked up to in her village and is very rarely seen without it.

Clothes [ Fashion ]
Narmaya wears a pair of form changing clothes that can adjust and fit to her body based on what class she is currently acting as and whatever her next photoshoot may need!

Pink Ribbon [ Accessory ]
Narmaya hand crafted this small pink ribbon. This acts as her main focus for her mana and stops her from over accessing it as it'll block her mana consumption when she gets too low. Without this limiting accessory she would drain her mana to the point of knocking herself out.

Description and Backstory


Narmaya is a ditzy bimbo who enjoys dancing and combat. While in combat she completely loses herself and tends to go a bit too far, either injuring her sparring partner much more then intended, or getting a bit too sadistic with her current enemy. She always regrets this but enjoys the thrill and risk of a fight.

Backstory Preview

Currently WIP!


Narmaya works as a model in her off time! She was scouted by an agency soon after leaving her village of Viera. Needing gil she decided to take the job and ended up adoring all the attention that flocked to her.

Relationships (WIP)



[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.