


2 years, 3 months ago


Feisty Life Crystal // Rare MYO Element(s); Love + Light Tail colours; 4 [U] Stars; 1 Eye type; Normal Tongue type; Tucked Horn(s); Curled [R] Fur; Standard + Hair Edit Ear type(s); Slicked [U] Tail type(s); Standard Other trait(s); Mild Piebald [NR] Despite their elements and Very pink appearance, Lox actually wants to be a blacksmith. They very much wish to forge armor and weaponry, with a specialization in personalizing sets for those he cares about. He finds the heat of the forge to be exhilarating, the feel of making something from near nothing a great accomplishment. They have taken to building their own forge, and are currently starting out small by making daggers and little accessories such as bracelets and amulets. While they are still looking for someone to train under, at the moment they learn from a LOT of trial and error, seeing what heats work best, what metals, as well as a lot of failed creations. But with each failure comes new knowledge, so they do not let it discourage them in the least!