

★ ~ General STUFF ~ ★

 Name - BAY/LEY
Pronunciation - bay-lee
Species - Currently unnamed Whale Shark species with Spinalbot parasite
Sex - Male
Hobbies - Cleaning
Serial Number - SB-04
Personality - Extremely friendly and cheery boy, loves company, but a neurotic neat-freak. Very quick to anger if you expose them to germs, loses control
Eye Color - Yellow
Height - A big baby! 14 feet tall, 40 feet long
Weight - 35 tons
Voice - Has a 'Southern drawl" sort of accent

★ ~ Overview ~ ★

Number 04 of the Spinalbot Children!

BAY/LEY's  parent host is a member of a large species similar to Earth's Whale Sharks. They are one of the largest sentient races in the Alliance dwarfing even Sola-Olas and Hamma. So large in fact that they are almost dinosaurian. You could fit an adult human in BAY/LEY's mouth, or even Cerina, who is eight feet tall. Don't let the size fool you though, BAY/LEY is easily the best tempered child of the bunch. They're very friendly toward people and enjoy playing with those even outside of their family, often enjoying the company of the research team. Though... There are a few rules you should know.

BAY/LEY is an EXTREEEEME germophobic neat freak. Like, to an insane degree. He constantly cleans his sector up, and insisted upon settling in the Hydro-aulics area of the company HQ due to the constant presence of running water offering a clean environment. They spend half of their day every day just cleaning incessantly, always worrying they will get sick. The researchers believe it might be an affect from the Spinalbot bonding with the host body. They took to it so well that they feared losing it, and, not fully grasping the hardiness of an organic body worry that even the slightest pathogen could kill it and take it away from them. Whatever the reason, BAY/LEY  goes into a homicidal rage if anything that does not go through a thorough decontamination process attempts to interact with him or even so much as step foot in their sector. The first research team to learn that after he developed his phobia learned it the hard way. And Cerina does too when she inevitably has to trudge through Hydro-aulics. Keep it clean though, and BAY/LEY is a wonderful and gracious as well as fun host!! They have a good sense of humor, and love to laugh.
5405436_OAvvAglzb0VlZWn.pngBAY/LEY's  parent host species are filter feeders and thus naturally toothless. The Company outfitted them with retractable rows of metal alloy teeth that grind, spin and thrust, and are extremely deadly. His mouth is now able to turn into a horrifying garbage disposal like machine at the snap of a finger. They can suck in any debris or undesirables (that includes people)  into their mouth like a vacuum cleaner. They were meant to use it purely offensively for military purposes but they ended up almost exclusively using it to clean their sector of dust and debris. Ironically despite their horrible  fear of getting sick they don't seem to grasp the concept that eating trash is probably the easiest possible way to get sick. BAY/LEY is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, in fact, he's easily the stupidest out of all the children.

The bodies these children inhabit are still very much alive. The hosts continue to function and think, but they have lost all  control of their body now and are puppets to the children piloting them. Ironically, they are like a new version of the Seeborg menace only individual units and not a hive mind. This is pure agony for the hosts, especially BAY/LEY, whose parent is the farthest thing from what they are now under the Spinalbot's control. They were a mercenary and a dirty, drunk redneck type that was hired by the Company to train 04 how to kill and fight. When I say hire, it's more-so teach them basic things  before being forced to be their new body against their will. Needless  to say, their training did not pay off in the slightest and 04 was not a very good student! But they are still a good boy...

★ ~ Yes yes YES!! ~ ★

★ ~ No no NO!! ~ ★

★ ~ Inspiration ~ ★

★ ~ Relationships ~ ★

1492348?HAL/LEY -

1492363?CHEL/LEY -

1492477?1510480016ALL/LEY -

1496425?CAL/LEY -

1496766?J'ett/LEY -

1496768?Colonel Cabra -
BAY/LEY tries very hard to never say the 'h word', but he really REALLY can't help but hate Cabra. Cabra personally knew his host parent, as they worked together in mercenary duties in the past. Because of this, he knows every horrible thing BAY/LEY's father has done, and uses them to torment BAY/LEY who can't stand hearing bad things. Cabra's abuse has only made BAY/LEY stronger though, he appreciates kindness more than ever and tries even harder to not repeat his father's mistakes and be a good little shark. CHEL/LEY and J'ett try extra hard to be supportive and sweet to BAY/LEY after Cabra is commissioned.