
2 years, 4 months ago



NAME: Ophira Irre
AGE: 300+
BIRTHDAY: December 30th


Ophira is a very... peculiar woman, to say the least. She may look young but she's way older then one would originally believe, stemming from her species having a very long lifespan yet she is still considered young for her species.

Regardless, Ophira is a very interesting 'young woman', having a very goofy and silly personality while also being very.. intelligent at the same time? She truly is intelligent, she's not taken a lot of years to really get into learning computers for nothing. She overall has many strange quirks and can be generally enjoyable to be around-- unless you're human... (in the beginning.)

Ophira has a very innate hatred for humans and mankind in general stemming from the destruction of not only her species but her home in the past, alongside her mother who she assumed had been dead. While this hatred lessens with time and her experiences with humans who truly don't want to hurt her, and are being used themselves within the GSS, her views shift. More so, her hatred begins to be directed to those who are wealthy and powerful yet continue to use monsters and even other humans for their own personal gains.


Ophira is your average Ertelian, a species which is actually much larger and more monstrous though keep their forms contained within special containers that are passed down from generation to generation. There's no difference with Ophira, she holds a container with a heaping amount of power stored within it even her own.

Ophira overall is short in stature, 5'03" to be exact, yet one cannot underestimate what such a 'short' woman can do! She's quite flexible, very fast, and fairly fluid with how she moves. To say the least, she's a very good dancer, fighting as if she's dancing ever so elegantly... yet she also tears her opponents up pretty badly.

Her weapons are the jeweled rings on her horns, she's able to turn them into.. well.. proper weapons! Chakrams to be exact, and she's pretty damn skilled in handling them too. (She's had over 300 years to practice lol)

(Ophira can also summon portals that go from small to BIG but the big ones tire her out a lot)

It can further be said that maybe Ophira ISN'T your average Ertelian-- because her true form is something very...

It's not to say that Ertelians can't be large, they vary in size and shape when it comes to how they truly look.  But Ophira is large.... very large. Over 200 feet tall in this form, she is certainly a force to reckoned with. This is not a form that she would often be seen in because... well.. she only uses it once in her entire life. For now :>

The reason for her immense size is the power that is stored within her container is so much, that it increased how large and how menacing her true appearance was.


Before GSS.

The history of Ophira and her species is very... extensive. Her species comes from a different planet, and so many of them were summoned to Pangea to the point where they formed communities and stayed close together. They once were large in size, though in order to not have humans fear them-- contained their powers with magic and took on a more 'human-like' small form so that they could keep the peace with humans. Ertelians overall were nice with mankind, doing so many things in order to live alongside them.

But through the destructive actions of one individual of their species, someone who destroyed an entire country out of her own hunger for power, things spiraled out of control.

Ophira was born in this period, she lived a happy life for the first few years of her life until everything came crashing down as humans raided her village. They feared and despised her species in the wake of what that one person did, so they destroyed her village and destroyed her people. From the protection of her father, who took on his true form to give her and her mother time to run, Ophira was rushed out of the village by her mother in the hope that the both of them could survive elsewhere.

For some time, her mother's plan was mostly successful. They kept moving from place to place, having to steal, scavange, hurt or even forage to survive. Ostara, Ophira's mother, stayed strong for her daughter and tried to teach her all that she could... because even she knew that eventually they'd both be found. But Ostara was fine with sacrificing herself to keep her daughter safe and alive.

That is exactly what happened, the two were eventually found out to be Ertelians in a specific town and were cornered by some of the townsfolks, those townsfolk who held weapons at a mother and child who truly did nothing wrong. Ostara settled on giving Ophira not only her container (which contained the power of her lineage and her own), but her necklace as well and sent her through a portal in hopes that if she survived the townsfolk she could find her daughter once more...

Ophira never saw her mother again after that moment.

The little girl who clung to her mother was now all alone, and she had to raise herself and teach herself because there was no one else to teach her. She had to keep running, keep moving, keep adapting for so so many years. The long lives of Ertelians cannot be understated because she spent the over 300 years of her life all alone and trying to adapt to how the world changed around her.

In more recent times, Ophira became very curious of technology and decided.. she had time to spend learning it. So for plenty of years, learning and learning, Ophira managed to become quite the hacker. She became so skilled that she could get into anything... government databases... even the databases of the GSS- but what did she do with this information?? Absolutely nothing!

Ophira only sought information because she was curious, she simply wanted to know more. She hated humans but she wanted to know how they functioned and whatever the hell they did in general... stupid things like hide stupid information so secretly. But someone like Ophira could get into their stuff so easily! It was hilarious to her!

As secretive she was herself, hiding her own identity so that she wouldn't get found... she uh.. was eventually found by the GSS. Her house (apartment) was raided and most of her equipment was confiscated, and she herself? Was brought to the main GSS base in Mongolia. 

In/After GSS.

To say the least, Ophira is incredibly unhappy being basically forced to be in the GSS and controlled by humans. She's dragged into the facility itself, and put in her new 'room' to calm down right AFTER being talked down to by a specific lady named Catherine...

Even a very kind fellow cannot get through her anger, and she says some pretty messed up things to him in particular. Her hatred of humans is so much that she refuses the 'trickery' of humans.. even when some of them are truly not trying to trick her. Either way, she's eventually allowed one of her laptops and is constantly interviewed and 'bribed' with food but she has no more things to tell these people! Nothing she'll tell them that is important, especially not the specifics on how one can activate her container of power.

Regardless, Ophira starts bullying some of the human-robots without actually realizing they too are being used, one of her primary targets is a fella named Cassian.. (Something she'll grow to regret.. but we'll get to that!)

Ophira goes through very very strange things within the GSS, dealing with the second-in-command who wanted to start a fight, having to help with an 'operation' helping this corrupted  guy escape and seeing a literal goddess, coming face to face with a fellow who stormed the GSS and wanted to know more, and.. overall.. being able to destroy humans on the order of the higher-ups because they realize she is much more then just her hacking skills.

Ophira hates humans indeed, but she'll happily destroy humans if she's given the opportunity.

Going back towards her actions in regards of the human-robots, eventually one of them by the name of Spirit comes to talk with her.. to make her realize her actions. Ophira's interaction with Spirit overall helps her TRULY realize that it is not only her species, not only monsters, but even humans who are being used by other humans against their own wills. How they break those wills, disfiguring them and making them feel less then human... as if they never were humans to begin with.

That then leads to Ophira apologizing to Cassian in a very awkward manner... but overall managing to become very close friends with him. She who helps him retain his own humanity, because she feels incredibly bad for his situation since the only part of his true body he has left is his... head.

(In the process of making more friends.. with not only monsters but some humans, Ophira hacks into the controlling chips that were quite literally put into them. She disabled hers too! A while ago though, and cut it out of herself... because fuck being controlled-)

Ophira goes through much more too! Getting more perspective from another monster who has... a very similar story to her own. Rosalind, a noblewoman who was targeted by the European royalty and her household was raided by the GSS, ended in the death of not only her father but four of her siblings as well. All of it was unwarranted... and it just made Ophira want to help her more.

And she does help her! Seriously, Ophira does everything she can so that they're far enough from the main building so her portals aren't disabled... being allowed to send Rosalind home to avenge her lost and scattered family! It too ends with Rosalind promising Ophira that she will repay her one day...

Nothing ever ends for Ophira it seems, after the curious and destructive events of a celebration party for the GSS, which she attended and dragged Cassian in even if human-robots weren't really.. allowed to participate-- Ophira is shocked when she notices Cassian is gone. Completely gone, apparently 'discarded' because he was faulty... and she couldn't have done anything to stop it. After such a fun time that ended off poorly, though it still was fun regardless sharing time with Cassian, Ophira was deprived of her closest friend and fell into a pit of despair.

She was in such despair that she did something incredibly stupid and incredibly dangerous. Remember that individual who destroyed an entire country, that one Ertelian? She's still alive. Aridam, the cursed individual, the most destructive Ertelian was in a GSS facility and wasn't monitored well enough. Not well enough to the point Ophira could break in with ease and free her, Aridam falsely promising a desperate Ophira that she will help her once freed... she will help their species, because it's so very unfair what has occurred with them. She will help Ophira find her mother, too.

All this time Ophira saught to help her species because she truly can't be the only one, right? There too is Aridam.. could there be others?

But Ophira is betrayed quite obviously, the alluring words of Aridam being only fodder for her hope that was absolutely crushed when Aridam turned her back on her. Aridam tells her their species is hopeless, finding her mother is hopeless, their species is dead and will remain dead as it is supposed to be. Aridam only wanted to be free because she wanted to continue her destruction all over the world... she wanted to bring it all to ruin. And Ophira letting her out?? Helps her with that-- a whole lot!

Ophira has to come back 'home', to the GSS, to face her friends and be overwhelmed with their questions towards her. She did something dangerous, letting someone dangerous out so that she could destroy the world! In her own clouded mind, Ophira only believes and states that they will never understand how she feels, to be so so alone like she is-- and what does she do?

She leaves.
She quite literally, leaves through a portal, and leaves because as she says herself-- they will never understand her own pain. In the process nabbing her own container, to not let the GSS keep it any longer. Where does she end up after all of that? The Paradise. Found by its protector Alurea, she's immediately allowed in because she is such a rare species... and deserves to be protected. During her time in the Paradise she strangely grows close with Alurea, and recognizes a familiar face, and overall spends a good bit of time in this peaceful place...

Until, Aridam's plan finally comes into fruition.

For the duration of Ophira's time spent away from the GSS, she had missed the fact that the one at the center of the organization was quite literally destroyed by a god... and another god took his place as its owner, fixing it for the better. Where did Cassian go? He was discarded, but used as a weapon against an 'ultimate weapon', and then came back to the GSS to get a surgery to become as human as he could be... what they could make of his robotic form.

Regardless, Aridam retrieves her own container from a seperate facility, seemingly going facility to facility wrecking everything in order to obtain it. What does she do once this happens? She allows herself to go into her true form.. to ennact her plan of destroying the entire world.

Once this is spread absolutely everywhere on the news, Ophira catches wind of it. She has no clue what on earth to do.. what can she do? What will she do when she has to face the people she herself turned her back on? She is so full of guilt, because its her fault that Aridam is free in the first place.

But with a gentle guiding voice, the ever so strange Alurea assists her. She urges her to go and fight, to prove to the world that someone is there to save them. Another Ertelian to as well prove to those of the species who remain that at least one of them will represent their species in a good light. It is only she who can do this, only Ophira.

She heeds the words of the wiser woman, portaling herself to where Aridam was located. There, she would use her power, her true form, for the first time in her life. How is the container fueled and activated?

With blood.
Small drops of blood that activate the container, filling Ophira with power and turning her into something... unimaginable.

With this power and the ability to combat Aridam.. she does... just that! There's no need to completely detail the battle, it's just to be stated that they completely managed to destroy the town they fought in in the first place.

(It's a relief it was evacuated as soon as possible.. though regardless, there were some casualties because of Aridam's destruction even before.)

As the battle appeared to come to a close, Aridam (still in her true form) out on the rubble of a building and Ophira having... exhausted herself and turned back into her smaller form. It seemed over, but it wasn't, because Aridam got right back up and tried to absolutely obliterate Ophira-- but someone stopped her.

An alien creature, and the center of the Radiant Oasis, Dmitri-- he saved her. He is the one who finally puts everything to an end, containing Aridam's power himself and diminishing her... keeping her container, because he realizes how dangerous she is. With Aridam being dragged back into being locked up again.. Ophira is left sitting there (literally naked mind you), with only the strange cloak of the alien fellow to cover her.

Its when she sees Cassian again... he who came here when he realized this big monster was her! and-- things get awkward! Lovely! What stupid dorks, geez-

She too eventually reunites with her other friends, relieved they don't hate her as much as she thought they did. In the aftermath of all of this... it seems Ophira's once troubled life begins to get better and better.

Dmitri sent her a letter to come to the Radiant Oasis in person, Ophira certainly coming... to see someone she had never thought she'd see again.

Who else but her own mother.

Her mother who was crippled yet still alive, her mother who never gave up on her daughter and tried her hardest to find her even though she could not do it herself. In that moment, everything seemed... perfect. She was upset, but she was relieved, she was finally at peace because she found her mother and her mother had found her.

What else would happen to our beloved Ertelian hacker?

Lets see...

She meets her father again, she meets Rosalind again and Rosalind uses her influence as the new QUEEN to spread Ophira's message to not only other Ertelians-- but monsters. To protect them all, to tell them to no longer be scared.

Ophira's once troubled and absolutely horrible life finally becomes all that she wanted it to become...

Something happy.



The way their relation began was very... not good--  not good to say the least! But in time, and with Ophira properly apologizing to him, they became quite good friends.

Of course, she was absolutely torn whenever he was thrown away as if he wasn't a person. Seeing him again,after so much time... after so much-- internal torment.. makes Ophira feel so much better. Even if it was a very awkward moment too! Right after fighting a fellow large monster, and ending up without your clothing and having put a cloak to cover yourself.. yikes...

But she values him, she values him a lot, and finds herself so irked by how she's grown so close and attached to someone in this manner. In a- romantic manner? Thats a first! 


OStara is who Ophira cares about the most, even if she believed her to be dead for such a long time.

Reuniting with her mother, Ophira spends as much time with her as she possibly can. She despises what humans had done to her... having caused the lack of function in her legs and blinding her in one of her eyes. But as long as Ostara is still alive, thats all that matters to her daughter. Ophira will never let anyone hurt her mother again.


She never expected to meet someone like Dmitri, someone so alien.. someone who IS an alien.

Ophira is so so grateful for how much he's done for her mom, he was the one who kept her from dying in the first place. He was the one who promised her that he'd try his very best to help her locate Ophira... and... low and behold, he managed to locate her.

In a very... curious way in the midst of battle against Aridam-- but he too saved her!

He's a nice guy in Ophira's eyes, very dad-like.. he loves her mom a lot and she is really happy for the both of them. Seeing her mom smiling and looking at this man makes her heart melt, they truly do deserve one another.

SPIRITFriend (Mother-figure)

Spirit, or rather Carolyn, was very intimidating at first for Ophira. Though seeing that she literally meant zero harm and only wished to speak to her about her actions.. it made her views shift from slight fear to utter pity.

Carolyn is the one who tells Ophira of the struggles of human-robots alongside the monsters being used by the GSS, and it causes Ophira to see everything in a different light.

All in all, she's just a very very nice person. Someone who was damaged yet still clung to her humanity, and was helped retain what she once was by those around her. Ophira honestly admires Caroyln for her hardworking and caring personality, even when it came to Ophira herself... it seems as if she always cared.

(Ophira is desperate for a mom at this point.. she definitely has seen Carolyn as if she was like a mom to her.)

Either way, Ophira's 'thank you' to Carolyn was helping her locate and reunite with her family when she finally felt like it was right.

ABAERON ORPHEUSfriend (father-figure)

The way they met wasn't... great... Ophira basically told him to die and burn in hell. She was just mad alright! She was just brought into the GSS.. and this man who tried to play all friendly with her really fucking pissed her off.

Eventually, oh eventually.. she comes to understand how truthful he is in his niceness. Like, really, he's nice to Spirit, he treats her like the human she is... its admirable??? Yeah pretty much. A cool dad-like guy!

LUCIAN BATESEnemy (for now)

Ohhh-- Ophira absolutely hated this guy! First impressions are absolutely awful, he tried and did fight her in an elevator over a simple misunderstanding because he was just pissed off she happened to be in the same elevator with him... what a jerk! She's glad she got to scrap wit him and mess him up until the battle was 'ended'... its not like they've never had any more 'battles' after that either-- Ophira was certainly ready to brawl with this man at any time she got.

But, after a while... after Rosalind literally marrying this asshole-- it seems as if they come to a mutual understanding? Through Rosalind Lucian does not hate much... and Ophira is just kinda chill with the guy. As long as he's not trying to fight her she's fine with him.

(But she makes sure to make him jealous with how much his wife ADORES her :>)


Rosalind! What is there not to talk about Rosalind?

She's one of Ophira's close friends in the end.. when.. she gets to be around her more...

Ophira meets her the day she's contained within the facility, coming to Rosalinds just to chat. These little chats eventually led to Rosalind telling Ophira her story... something that resonated within her because they were so similiar. Their lives were destroyed by humans, and now they were both imprisoned by humans... and they both wanted revenge for what had happened to them.

It gives Ophira the drive to promise Rosalind she'll find a way to get her out... and uh-- she does! yup! Breaks her on out, sends her on her way through a pretty big portal that absolutely EXHAUSTS poor Ophira.. oof...

But Rosalind promises to repay her, so it all works out.  

They don't meet again until after Rosalind is in a high position... the literal queen-- and goes through with her promise of repayment, helping Ophira with her cause towards her species and monsters overall.

These two are very good friends, very good friends, not only because they have similar stories-- but because they just in general enjoy one anothers time. 


She does not know how she became friends with this talkative birdfolk lady but its not.. a bad thing? It's bad, at first, that she's so attached to and friends with Cain because UGH he's a human.. but bleh- Ophira gets over it.

She just enjoys her company without even saying it, because having a friend is better then having no friends at all. Lavendels not bad,not bad at all.

CAIN BYRD..friend?

Kinda friends, not really, only through how Lavendel always manages to pull him into their little issues. He's annoying at first but eventually Ophira just feels bad for him.. this guy's just real tragic to her and she can't really help him.

(Other then disabling any control-chip that they put into him, any new one that is.)

ALUREAClose Friends (Mentor)

Alurea has always been curious to Ophira, because she's always been interested in Ophira ever since she appeared in front of the Paradises walls.

Shes... a comforting presence. She's scary as hell yeah, but she is very nice towards Ophira and even jokes around with her.. strangest lady ever!! But she taught her plenty in her time in the Paradise, and tried to help her with any lingering issues she faced.. though those were for her to figure out.

To Ophira, Alurea is like this... somewhat mom-figure... somewhat sister-figure... somewhat... mentor figure? She can't put a finger on it, but she'll always value Alurea for being Alurea. Mysterious as hell, strong as hell, and just overall being someone to look up to.






- Hacking
- Cats
- ..Sweets-


- Corrupt individauls in power (formerly just humans in general)
- Being belittled
- Being controlled-


- Ophira has some regard of 'elemental' abilities but.. only in her true form. In her true form, she can create fire by not only BREATHING IT but just making it.. magically..??? YEAH-

- Ophira clothes herself modernly but adds a touch of her own culture tied within it, gold detailing and lovely patterns that she put into her own clothing herself! What a creative lady!