Amai's Comments



Anyone in my TH interest you?

Is anyone off limits and are you ok with multiples? 

my sona folder and Sleepybunsu folder are off limits but a few other randoms i might be tent to give up- I'd be okay with doing multiple if it feels like fair value!!   

I can 100% do Yuno! I think I’d rather keep Mai tho, sorry 😭 lmk if anyone else catches your eye! 

no worries! would you do and yuno instead?

6 Replies

I may be able to offer anyone or multiples except for Francis and Pillow > <

Unfortunately the only one that interested me is offlimits <:3 TYSM for offering tho! 

May I ask if it's Pillow or Francis you're interested in? Depending on which, I may tentatively consider with add ;v;

it was pillow! I'd be willing to add on :3 possibly someone In here (ocs with hearts are most likely a no)

they're really lovely but I'm not sure I see many that I would use, esp ones without the hearts ;-;

Which ones interested you with hearts? 

Anyone in my th interest you? Offlimits is sonas and pending! Can do multiples and add on art if needed!

I’m sorry I didn’t see any I’d trade for!

hii would anyone of these 2 interest you? okay if not tho:}
i can add art / money if you’d like 

edit: i can also offer vouchers/a 3 way trade and try to get a dreamie you’d like for them aswell:3

I wouldn’t trade for either but I can ping you if I find an oc for resale that I like!^^

that’s okay, thank you for looking^^ please let me know when you do:D

also trying again lol….do you see anyone else in my th (i only have 2 pages so it shouldn’t be much to look at but still…) you’d be interested in … ofc i can still do the addon of art / money

anyone besides shoe / kino / mihai ^^

Sadly I didn’t see any I’d trade for! 

Hello! I could offer to buy them for full resale price or I can also offer these characters for trade and include money as well 🙏

I’m sorry I’m not looking for resale atm! And None of your ocs interested me! TYSM for the offer 💞