Jiro Hasegawa




Name: Jiro Hasegawa

Age: 27

Race: Japanese

Birthday: June 27th

Height: 5'9"

Fighting Style: A mix of self defensive karate, yakuza dirty brawling, and technology

Personality: Serious, harsh, a bit antisocial, yet diligent, hard working, and determined, as well as earnest compassion for the poor. Once a child who dealt with a divorcing family by being locked away with tinkering in technology and using karate for stress relief, he has developed quite the harsh and take-no-shit attitude due to being left homeless, becoming part of gang, and regretting his life choices in order to get by. Now he works as an engineer for a company's technology in an earnest redemption arc, while also taking care of an orphaned child out of empathy.

Likes: Back to back days off after a successful work week, tinkering with technology, his new more honest working life, visiting the beach, tuna, calamari, spending time with his adoptive daughter

Dislikes: Making mistakes, letting his temper get to him, anything bad happening to his little girl, having his previous gang life being mentioned, wasabi, horse radish