Oz Heathleïv (Oz Heathleïv - ENG)



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Name Oz Heathleïv de Lavheinn
Age 25 yo
DOB 27 Epames (September)
Gender Male(nb)
Pronouns He
Ethnicity Amanesian - Blöthyr
Height 1m85
Corpulence Lean
Role Duke, alchemist, necromancer
Orientation Bi - Ace
Writting hand Right
Spirit Animal Raven

Oz Heathleïv de Lavheinn

"Monsieur le Duc is a man of science, he likes to think of himself as a philosopher; but between us, his biggest disappointment was never being part of the stage, don't be surprised by his theatrical ways, it is his only consolation."

At first sight an affable and smiling man, it is easy to see that it is only a mask he wears in society. He will not necessarily open himself to others, but he knows how to make himself appreciated, perhaps by his education, his erudition and possibly, the traces of kindness he wants to show. He can play many roles for the purpose of manipulation and it is often difficult to disentangle the honest from the fake in him.

If Oz knows how to present a pleasant face when necessary, he does not appreciate the company of others, and considers all worldliness as a chore to which he must unfortunately comply in view of his ducal obligations, playing roles is part of his ways of make it less painful. He is an introvert who rarely shows his true nature to others, if he only has a more authantic face to show, he has many facets that form a whole. He is sometimes morose and austere, very little inclined to conversation, even less to lend the slightest service. He is then cold and acerbic, and prefers to spend time to his studies and experiments, quickly becoming disagreeable if someone comes to disturb him. He will sometimes be softer, more expressive too and seem less devoid of feelings than he lets on. He will then appreciate a discussion over a cup of tea, or a game of chess - which he is almost certain to win. He knows how to show attention and affection towards others even if this remains the exception. In general, he appears rather tired and introspective.

Eager to know, if there is none subjects that does not interest him, science, alchemy and magic are his favorite ones. He is a perfectionist, and often very dissatisfied with his own work. He abhors physical exertion and would much rather leave these tasks to his servants - or anyone else for that matter. Far from being a sentimentalist, and even less concerned with morality, he does not care about the repercussions of his actions, as long as he deems them useful for his research, so using others as guinea pigs is a practice that does not put him off. Likewise, he is a cautious man who carefully considers his options and watches his opponents, ready to pull the rug out from under them before they can harm him. He shows very little mercy in general.

Although generally very patient and calm, only expressing his annoyance with a few sighs, he tends to internalize everything, also making him very soupy and unpredictable, it is difficult to see the limit not to be exceeded with him . He then reveals a more cruel and sadistic part of him, like a cat playing with a mouse, he takes malicious pleasure in tormenting those who displease him. Both dark and blood-chillingly serious, he can burst into an almost theatrical and unannounced burst of laughter, probably revealing a more than deranged side.


  • He often falls asleep at his desk, in the middle of his work. His sleep cycle is non-existent anyway.
  • He has a huge aviary, and particularly cherishes an Eagle Owl and a Common Raven among all the birds he owns, it is not uncommon to see one or the other perch on his shoulder and see him caress them affectionately.
  • He has eccentric habits that often pass for whims, such as never eating at the table, even when he receives guests or at banquets.
  • He's a big nerd of his time, he loves theater, opera and antiques and this is probably one of the best ways to keep him talking for hours.
  • He knows how to play the piano and particularly enjoys playing waltzes, but he prefers the organ even more.
  • The form which bonds him to the world of the Blöthyrs is that of a large quadrupedal and monocular bird.


  • Silence
  • Books, especially old ones
  • Chess game
  • Sounds of organs (the musical instrument.... but who really knows)


  • Mirrors and portraits
  • Noise and people in general
  • His father
  • The inquisition


Dracula - Thomas Fersen
Lux Tenebras - Amnesia
L'Oscurita dell'Ignoto - KH 3D
One more soul to the call - Silent Hill
Die Mittsommernacht-Fantasie
Jhin, the virtuoso


Abilities and powers

He's a Fulgur mage, he thus have electrical powers.

He is one of the powerful Blöthyrs (a kind of vampire), whose powers are mainly based on illusions and mental control. Like all of his race, they only last a relatively short time.

He is a particularly intelligent and meticulous man, he knows how to demonstrate it during conversations or chess games, but physically not fit for the effort. He relies primarily on trickery and deception to gain advantage over others.

An influential member of the Simulacrum, an unofficial organization of vampires, his official identity is unknown, and the title Raven is the only real information possessed about him.


Oz, whose real name is Ozymandias, is the bastard child of Duke Heathleïv and one of his concubines, Jeanne de Lavheinn, an Ignis witch, whose powers and beauty many coveted. Needless to say, his childhood was not the most pleasant, tarnishing the reputation of the Duke, he barely officially recognized the child, and he only did so because he showed an affinity for the Fulgur magic and a particularly interesting pureblood Blöthyr potential, while his brother, although legitimate son, was a "White Blood" and the laughing stock of the family.

Calm and cynical child, no one knew if these were the consequences of some natural predispositions or because of the treatment inflicted by the household, the fact was that Oz had this disturbing aura, supported by so many words and alarming acts. He already had at a young age the art of tormenting those around him, finding with accuracy the sensitive subjects and the means to reach them. Confirmed in his role of black sheep, he had for a long time only passion for literature, up to the forbidden works which he stole in the great library of the castle. Knowledge was for him the key to surpassing others in their filthy ignorance, and he intended to make it his major asset.

It's a harsh winter's day, when, having fled into the Mondnacht Wälder, "forest of the Manes" for the locals, and pursued by his older brother, everything changed. The forest was reputed to be a place of illusions, although it was for many because of its density and exceptional darkness that caused many lost travellers, delirious with hunger and sleep, when they were not not simply devoured by wolves; and a small ancient cemetery, unknown to many, had become Cadet Heathleyv's new refuge. Intrigued by the lack of information about it, he found it very deplorable that no one was interested by its origins but found a quiet place there to carry out his own research. Fairwain, the eldest, sent for him since the blizzard approached was the reason for his escape into the vault of the cemetery. No one really knew what happened there when the two teenagers returned, but the incident altered the youngest beyond repair.

At first glance a relief for all, Oz seemed to have calmed down considerably and if more restrained and wise than before, he did not stop his studies, for which he seemed to redouble his fervor. Things changed overnight: the duke dead, his first son driven out of the house, the youngest last heir to the duchy. The purge was as brief as it was radical in the entourage of the former duke, but the story, as dark and mysterious as it was, made little noise, and everyone surprisingly accepted the usurpation of the illegitimate son. The Heathleïv family had always seen dramas of this kind played out, parricides, infanticides, like a curse tirelessly repeated between the walls of the castle, in front of a room of blind and docile spectators who accepted things as they were. were, and moreover proved themselves right in noting that Oz, in that strange wisdom he had for his young age, had already in a few months straightened out the decadent duchy.

These stories have passed, but the strange duke fascinates and feeds rumours, like all the Heathleïv before him: the disappearances of the Mondnacht Wälder remain, and there are echoes of strange experiments he would lead in his basements...



Meyu Earlgeath

His pearl, his treasure, Oz has more affection for her than he ever thought he would in his life. At first distant and cold towards her, they met when she, an unfortunate forced bride, ended a sordid wedding night with a murder, which he himself had planned that night; but he decided to take her under his wing rather than let her face a disastrous fate. He has never regretted his spontaneous decision: Meyu is a little sunshine on a daily basis, attentive to everyone's need, the castle has never been better off than in her presence, and everyone seems to appreciate her. He slowly opened his heart to her, although with modesty and restraint, lest she be caught up in his own darkness, but she seems to know it, and accept it. He knows they are incompatible and yet paradoxically complementary, and it has become a new fact in his life and his research, a brake sometimes, he laments it: he cannot do everything without taking into account the weight of his own feelings from now on. She is a weakness to him, which he hides and protects, since he would not bear the least harm done to her.


Fairwain Heathleïv

His brother, their relationship is clearly up and down. They bickered for a long time during their youth, acid spikes and derogatory remarks were their daily life, but they basically lived the same thing: the neglect of their father and his entourage, his constant belittlement and his cruelty. Despite everything, they sometimes supported each other, like real brothers, a fragile bond that still binds them. They had passages of real aversion, even wishing the death of the other, and Oz does not really know what it is anymore. He knows that they have changed since childhood, but he very improperly inherited him the hard way and suspects that he is mortally angry with him for this reason. He is suspicious of him, but he remains his big brother...


Neil Fontainebleu

A licentious and sadistic man who by force of fate has become his ally. His feelings are confused towards him, he despises him and at the same time trusts him. Neil somehow humiliated him, and yet Oz somehow made him his servant for life. Their partnership works surprisingly well and they have no trouble getting along: deep down, they are nothing more than a duo of ruthless murderers, and he has no remorse in using him to achieve its goal.

