


2 years, 2 months ago


might change tail armour to the tan/red tail armour to match the sword and the hat/spike and sword? maybe the red and black armour? and will change leg armour to something that matches

maybe red pirate sword, white and red elf tail armour, and red elf bracelets? or white leaf leg armour maybe? or black and red tail armour and black bracelets

part of lake's group

not very developed but,, himbo vibes i guess?

probably needs a new casual outfit because his is kinda boring idk

also was considering replacing some of his armour, like using bone claws and maybe a different tail, but idk yet

maybe he needs a fox hat to match the others??

literally just copy and pasting from his notes because,,, yeah

Chase is a fluffy, somewhat tall, arctic wolf with light, tan fur on with underbelly, face and legs, and longer, light brown fur on the rest of his body. His eyes are a simple, dark blue, and he never seems to leave the house without a sweater. Well, not when it's cold out, at least. During the summer he usually wears a baseball cap, often wearing it backwards unless it really sunny out, and often with runners and maybe a t shirt.

He's fairly athletic but he loves to just sit around, reading a book, which he's gonna take forever to finish, so maybe don't let him borrow yours. He's also best friends with Lake, along with Leaping, who he often has little fights with. He's gentle, and very kind, though he tends to be really, really oblivious to things, especially flirting, and sometimes sarcasm. It's rumoured that he gives really good hugs, though he can be a bit awkward about it. Occasionally, he can give a pretty decent joke and likes to make people laugh when possible. he can also give a nice sarcastic comment, or be a bit too dramatic over things, probably because Leaping has been hanging out with him a bit too much.