


2 years, 2 months ago


locket is the rare heart locket

could also have orange spike maybe?

i don't think i've actually tried the armour on her lol so idk if orange might be ugly with the purple lmao

if it is ugly i might change it to a black or white theme, or maybe even brown? could keep the leg armour then, but i'll probably just leave it unless it's really bad

she's kind of a bitch but i love her lmao she deserves to do something cool, maybe she'll meet peck?? idk

once again copying and pasting

Leaping is... An interesting character. She's a light, lilac colored bunny with black lightning marks in her fur, as well as dark brown eyes. She's incredibly fashionable and never seems to go anywhere without a dress or skirt, or at least high heels, a fancy flower behind her ear, or a nice expensive scarf. She's loud, sassy, and oh so very overly dramatic, and also happens to be one of Lake's very best friends, along with Chase, who she enjoys tossing little insults back and forth with, or arguing over the best music, or books, or Alphas, or how he always wears sweaters, or anything really... And she may or may not have a teeny, little, TINY crush on him... Not that the oblivious arctic wolf would ever even pick up on or, or that she would admit it to anyone if she did like the stupid sweater loving nerd, or how he loves books, or always seemed to smell so, so goo- Never mind that... She can tend to get a bit annoying, sometimes takes sides without listening to both people, and often finds herself talking more than listening, but she does mean well.