


2 years, 3 months ago



This character is a revamp of a previous roleplay, changes may be made often.
You are currently looking at the ANTHRO counterpart of Amber. If you are looking for their MAIN / TRUESONA counterpart, click here. Each of these two counterparts are different, as the MAIN counterpart contains no fictional lore.


mineraft roleplay + anthro insert • project softkit character

Amber, Anthro!Amber


Towns Founded
1, "Frogtopia"


Builder + Archer

Founder of Frogtopia







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Amber's anthro form has made up lore, fortunately. Due to the amount of lore being so big, it will be added in a brand new embed below this one.



Amber's archery skills are very experienced, and if she has enough power they can shoot many flaming arrows at the opponent from above. They currently have a bow called 'cascade of flames' if possible the arrows can be combined with wind as well, setting tons of knockback.

Trait - MAGIC

Amber is very swift and reckless at times. The gem on their forehead is basically a form of magic nobody can comprehend. The gem needs to recharge when Amber does a lot of powerful things with it, such as teleporting a person to a place in the world, however, and she can get very fatigued afterwards.


Amber's building skills are very unique and swift. Being mostly the only one that built everything in Frogtopia, her experience most likely doesn't contain flaws. Stairs and trapdoors are used for ceiling designs, and calcite is a perfect base.


Amber can establish friendships with anyone... almost anyone. As long as they see an interest of theirs they can be willing to make friends by talking about said topic. If Amber trusts this aquaintance enough, they give them a prismarine + amethyst shard as a friendship token.

"It's probably just the way it is, you know...? Everything.. must come to an end."


Long ago, Amber was a species of feline that was quite unique, a flyger. Known for having wings and bearing a gem on their forehead with power, people like raiders would long for having it. Due to this, it shortened the lifespan of the species and Amber grew up with a troubled childhood. One day she became friends with two felines lost, around the same age, injured and confused about their whereabouts, one named Lapis, a feline with astrology powers and another being Caw, a simpliflyger, a descendant of flyger (basically a cat with just wings, no gem). The three established a bond and chose to live together in a cabin of warped and crimson wood with calcite pillars. Every now and then Amber, Caw and Lapis would have to fight the raiders after Amber’s gem– but they always came out without a scratch. One day the cabin burst into flames and Amber woke up, hazy as the sky was stained with ash and debris. Amber held her netherite axe as Lapis and Caw trailed behind. More and more raiders went after Amber, attempting to claim their gem to be theirs. Flapping her wings about three meters above the ground, Amber shot some arrows with her bow, and staggered 12 people. As she flew down and expected everyone to go after her again, they all ran off instead. In the direction of Lapis and Caw. Lapis started using their magic, their eyes glowing and turning into Hijack. Caw flew above the ground and started swinging his sword. Hijack was trampled by the soldiers and Amber watched in horror as she felt the snap of Hijack’s neck. Caw was dragged down into the sea of soldiers and Amber reached out with a paw, but.. It never succeeded. When all the opponents left with a said victory, Amber’s staggered stride stops as the bodies of her two friends are.. Lifeless. Holding both of their paws, Amber started to quake with tears at the deaths of her friends.. but she had to continue on, all alone after this. Wandering day after day, Amber vowed to make a country in honor of Caw and Lapis–The two cats she loved dearly.

Hearing wails in the distance. Amber, running at full speed now, jumps high and starts to glide with their wings to the nearby location. Two children were cornered by bandits at the edge of a forest nearby, one 14, the other 16. All because of the faint glimmer of the gemstone necklaces they were wearing, the bandits immediately thought it was Amber’s most beloved gem. Amber closed her eyes and darted down rapidly to pick up the two bandits and throw them down from above, killing them. Floating down, Amber closed up her wings and extended both paws to the two children. “You’re safe now.” The cat dipped their head and the two kids ventured along with them. Introducing themselves, the 14 year old Britannia and the 16 year old named Elliot. “We’d love to help you travel on journeys!” Bri exclaimed, “If you ever are low on food please let me know! I can cook and bake anything you want with any wild materials!” Elliot offered. Amber enjoyed the company made by the two teens. But she chose to bottle the disaster of her friends up so that her new friends wouldn’t feel bad in a way, and she was good at it. After long days of traveling the three came to a stop. A small floating island hovered above them, a birch tree swaying in the wind. “Amber, look! There’s even lots of space for building right behind it!” Amber gazes at the island then looks behind it as Elliot says. He was right. A picture of a thriving community flashed across Amber’s mind along with the vow she made all those months ago. “Let’s settle here.. What should we call this place?” Amber asked. Britannia hollered out loud. “Swampville!” Then proceeds to let out a small laugh. Amber smiled. Elliot then thought. “Hmm.. Lilychester.” Amber nods. “That seems nice, but..” Amber looks at the nearby surroundings. “I like Frogtopia more.” Bri and Elliot looked at each other with understanding, as Amber told them the story of how her and Caw met; trying to pounce on the same frog but instead each other. “I like that name.. Frogtopia. Gives off a certain vibe to it!” Britannia agreed. Elliot nodded. “I love it.” Amber smiled in approval. “You guys still got that wood from our recent village clearout?” Britannia nodded. “Yup. Have all of it.” Amber’s paws extended to take the spruce wood from the teenager. “Thanks! Feel free to set up camp ahead by the riverbank!” The two teens ran ahead of the she-cat, setting up a campfire and laying out their supplies. Amber gazed off into the sky, ready to take on any threat that has ever been towards her. Maybe she could wipe out the entirety of the bandits- someday. Amber started building the structure of the house with spruce logs that were stripped with her axe, and turned the rest of the logs into plank flooring. They grabbed cobblestone to line for roofing and filled it in with more spruce. Interior was dark oak and a range of birch. Standing 2 floors tall, it served as a great home to Bri, Elliot and Amber. Elliot came to Amber with a flag that was accidentally sewed by him, but this flag looked.. Like it was meant to be. The lime green combined with dark green and cream triangles on the sides as duos with a dark green diamond in the middle… it was perfect. “Hold on, give me that.” Amber extends a periwinkle paw and adds final touches. “The flag of Frogtopia.” Elliot takes it back and stares at it with disbelief. “Oh my god.. You have outdone yourself this time!” Elliot goes in for a hug with Amber, and Britannia, who actually recommended the colours, comes in too. “Alright! We could turn this place into a community house, and build a place for ourselves! Set up bridges and campfires and..” Britannia looked at Elliot. “We need more people though..” The two looked off. Crouching down, Amber held Britannia’s shoulders. “We can recruit travelers. Let’s just do the bridges for now!” Excitement painted Bri’s face, and Elliot walked up to Amber. “Me?” Amber chuckled. “Go ahead, you can help!” Bridges of spruce wood and slabs stretched across the swamp, preventing people from falling into the water below. More people soon came and were welcomed into Frogtopia, and Amber prepared a canopy at the entrance of the city, with signs that bore “Welcome to Frogtopia” and “Founders: Amber, Britannia and Elliot”. The only house that was there turned into the community house, where people get their mail on the second floor, and lounge, craft and receive updates on the first. A jungle tree sprouted not that far from the bank of the swamps, so Amber built a house right by it, lined with birch and lined with bushes and dark oak. It was a perfect home to live in as well. One day Elliot went on an expedition and came home with pets, Finn, Wilbur and Comet. Ebony became the first ever judge in the town and together Amber and Ebony established a courthouse that weren’t to be run by Amber but Britannia. Some residents of Frogtopia found out about Elliot actually having a lost brother, Frug. The two reunited at the gates of Frogtopia and hang out at the picnic beside Amber’s abode. One night, Amber swooped high in the pitch black sky and landed on the jungle tree, her hind paws tickled by the leaves. Sitting down and gazing at the moon, they felt a rush of energy coming at her like a roaring flame. But not at her. Her gem. They let it glow and their paws levitated off the ground, wind twirling rapidly like a tornado around the flyger, starting only at their feet but it went to their head quickly. The gem exploded in a light that made her feel wipeouts. They murdered all the flyger hunters.. Safe at last, but too late. Concerned, tired citizens of the swamp town gazed up at the source of the explosion of light. Frantic, Amber jumps low and clings on the vine on the trunk behind them, out of sight. What a close one. Now laying in their bed, they went on their side and wanted to sleep, but pondered. Why now? If someone saw? Rule 4 says that witchcraft is not allowed in any shape or form.. Annoyed, the feline dragged the blanket over their head, hoping that was not the case. I don’t do witchcraft. I don’t do witchcraf- They woke up to their door breaking down. Squirrel and Rain stood there, axe and crossbow in hand. “Amber.” Wary, Amber pulls themselves out of bed, uniform already on. “Yes, Agent Squirrel. What’s Mage Rain doing here as we-” They were cut off by the clinking of metallic cuffs behind the agent’s back. “KEEP YOUR TRAP SHUT!” He yelled, livid. Cuffing the flyger of her hands and wings, they were dragged to the courthouse. As the door creaked open, shocked gasps filled the room at the founder’s sight. Judge Ebony’s eyes blazed with anger and anger painted her face’s expression. “Fraud!” Murmurs to talking echoed around the room and all it took was an ear-splitting court hammer slam from the judge. Amber was on the verge of tears from the amount of fear and confusion inside her. “May the plaintiff, Sunbeam, come up onto the first altar!” Judge Ebony hollered. Sunbeam came padding down from behind Amber. “May the accused ahem or defendant come up to the second altar.” Squirrel pushed Amber up the stairs and in front of the altar. Sunbeam had stacks of evidence neatly placed on her altar, while Amber had none. “Everyone be seated and shall witnesses exit the room! May the trial begin.” Judge Ebony boomed. This was due to the fact she was instantly escorted and was never given any time. “Judge-” Amber blurted; Ebony snapped her face at Amber. “The plaintiff may not speak during this time!” Amber looked shocked. Why is everyone treating me like this? I hate to victimize myself if I am but I made this place, and treated it with the utmost respect, didn’t I? What happened? What did I do? Sunbeam let out a deep breath. “I was trying to sleep, until I saw a glowing explosion last night emerge from the same direction of Amber’s house. I can’t believe I am saying this- but one of my chickens died during the explosion, which is unusual. And I swear I saw a shadowy figure clinging onto the vines of the tree right by Amber’s place.” Amber’s eyes widened. Judge Ebony nodded. “May you give us proof?” Sunbeam nodded and had nothing but a feather. “I know that Rain here always carries around a potion that traces an object of any magic.” Sunbeam said as Rain nodded in correction. Pouring a bit of the substance on the feather, little blue sparkles began to form, tanning yellow as they faded. “Moonstone opalite. Witchcraft.” Amber gasped. “Hey! I don’t do witchcraft- I swear I don’t! I also founded this place and yet everyone– EVERYONE HERE IS TREATING ME LIKE A PIECE OF-” Ebony slapped her unseathed paw across Amber’s face. “Hush, you high-strung, long-haired feline!” Amber trembled and shrunk with her cuffs. Ebony let out a small chuckle with the jury at Amber’s silence. “I have made my decision. Amber is..” Amber started to sweat with panic, and looking to her right, Elliot gazed at her foster mother. “E-Elliot.. I’m not-” “-guilty. You will be executed for witchcraft and murder in Frogtopia. Take her away. NOW.” She hissed. Judge Ebony walks out and slams the door behind her, following behind Amber as they are surrounded once again by Rain, Sunbeam and Squirrel. Ebony and Rain are throwing blindness splash potions at Amber when they are almost at the execution chamber. Amber, now seeing mostly darkness, looks up at the blackened sky, the moon being the only thing shining. “Move along!” Rain punches Amber once to push her forward. The water was bubbling with heat as the trapdoor opened, welcoming the founder of the country to their demise. Looking around, everyone was displeased with Amber. “I didn’t- I didn’t do this..” Being urged to climb the ladder and stand on the iron trapdoor, Amber wished she forgot the piercing pain that swallowed her head whole. Words echoed through the blinded cat’s head, making out nothing but gibberish. “!mih teG !yawa gninnur s’eh ,tibbarkcaJ a s’eH .oh oh oh oh oh hO” Her muffled drowning head started to spin at the repeated overlapping lyric of nonexistent song. She felt her life slipping away as all of her oxygen bubbles faded. A huge gash appeared in her neck. My axe…? Until all of a sudden, they felt a jolt. Is this death? Soon they fell on the floor of her room again, seeing that it’s… Frogtopian independence day. A timeskip had to save me..? “We-We did it-” Amber gasped with relief and slowly brought herself up, her neck throbbing with a new scar, bloodshot eyes and paresthesia in their paws and hind. But then she smelled a stench. A certain stench. Opening the door, the sky stained red within seconds. Fireballs streaked the sky and hit houses. A panicked Amber swoops up and flies off, still light headed from the boiling water. The voices returned again, taking control of her body and seeing nothing but black, air brushing her fur as she fell. Hazy, she felt the relaxing feel of a slow waking-up. Light pierced her eyes, a such vibrancy outside that bounced around in her eyes and mind, giving her a headache. Pressing her hind paw against the tight capsule, she realized it was indeed a tight area. “...shroomlights..?” she said, weak. Coughing out ash and debris, she attempted to shield her eyes from the immense light the nether source gave off. Stretched out, upside down, face and neck on floor in the tiny space, she felt claustrophobic. Wriggling out of the gap, she punches the ceiling that was closing her in. Breaking out she was meeted with the noon sun, unaware of their surroundings at all. Pushing the flyger’s own weak paws up, barely picking up her body weight, they drop to the deepslate tile above the gap below them, the cold flooring soothing the weary cat to sleep, like kithood. Faint pawsteps slowly get closer as the flooring lulls them to sleep.

5'3 ft

110 lbs




Purple --> blue gradient with a deep purple pupil

design notes

  • Personally, I think of Amber giving off HUGE venti genshin impact vibes, small teal sparkles (represent anemo) should be drawn around the character's necklace.
  • Optionally they can be found sitting on top of a nearby mountain by their base to calm herself down.
  • Another design note.



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A little relationship summary goes here. This will not scroll, so keep it short!


Relationship summary.





