


2 years, 3 months ago


🦇 Cordula 🦇

Female | 35 | Human

 January 19th 
 5'6 ft 
 Neutral Good


 The human bride of the King of Bats. Cordula lives alongside Gulo in his big ass castle with a colony of vampire bats. Here, she feeds him to make sure his hunger is completely satiated as well as making sure he has a companion.


 Kind and caring. She loves her husband and his royal subjects (the bats aka her babies) very much and won't hesitate to defend them if someone threatens them. 


Cordula grew up in a small village located near Gulo's castle. winded up outliving her parents in their small conservative village, which left her having to deal with strict village rules.

She refused any suitors hands and kept doing shit that went against the status quo. This led to her being shunned for saying things like she wasn't planning on having kids. She also would try constantly to aid in heavy labor, believed to be restricted only to men, and she would constantly read banned material. She was on the most thinnest ice just with her interest in science as it was viewed as going against the lord's teachings.

She was viewed as the village weirdo due to her behavior which was better than immediately getting tied to the stake. What "friends" she did have, mainly stuck around her for the entertainment. They'd pick on her for her stranger interests, occasionally warning her about the sacrilege line she danced upon and claimed attending church would fix her. The girls pressured her into the housewife route and the guys pressured her into becoming a wife in general with claims it would keep her safe from the overbearing church.

Cordula did her best to dance around them and stuck to her own path, ignoring their selfish warnings.

However, she pushed the limits as she winded up one day stumbling across an injured vampire bat in one of the barns that had been hurt by a farmer. Rather than leave it there, she instead rescued it and spent a week nursing it to health. Which meant feeding it her own blood. Eventually, the bat was healed but it lingered around her home afterwards, refusing to leave. Which lead to the villagers growing suspicious as a week expanded into a month.

Much of this suspicious grew from Cordula now having a small swarm of bats following her around after they had came to retrieve their friend. However, they winded up sticking around to protect Cordula, sensing the bad vibes in the village. Which was cute to her but to the villagers, they all viewed the entire scene as demonic. The one friend she believed to be the closest to her sold her out to the church upon Cordula showing her the initial vampire bat she had found. That night she got a knock on the door and an hour later, she was tied to the stake and getting prepped for a good old fashioned stake burning to send her to hell.

At the last second, the bat she had rescued returned with a swarm and a very large batlike monster. Everyone panicked as it landed and revealed himself to be the neighborhood vampire and occasional cause for the disappearances of local hunters.

He staked her was present to take Cordula, which many were more than fine with. Those that objected were simply past rejected suitors who didn't want to lose her to some monster. Burning Cordula at the stake would be a loss too but at least she couldn't get married if she was dead.

ANYWAYS, Gulo made a big show about abducting the "witch" as his bride along with the promise that they'd never see her again as she would suffer for her sins against humanity. And in one big swoop of a wing, he swept her away to his big ole cliffside castle. Upon landing, Gulo returned to his more humanoid form and dropped the act with a "H-hi, sorry about having to insult you and everything back there. U-uhm, th-thank you for taking care of my loyal subjects."

Turns out, the vampire bats following Cordula around were his.

Skills and Abilities

 Cordula has a very high tolerance for blood due to the blood kisses her and her husband share
 SummoningWhenever she screams, a swarm of bats comes to her rescue from whatever is threatening her. This is less her ability and just their natural reaction to their mom in danger but it's still something she can use to her advantage. 


  • -Insert something interesting here-


  • Her name is Latin for "Heart"