Bitterbat (Monster Monarch)



While I don’t have the exact meters on how tall he is, Bitterbat def is on record as one of the largest monsters in Decking. 


And he shares the same abilities as when he’s in his preferred form and then some. So the concept of a massive kaiju just suddenly poofing and disappearing from sight is absolutely unsettling to all citizens that witness the event. And Bitterbat has some toxins in his body he can easily manipulate and inject into an unlucky victim. Which means many of the monsters that fall to Bitterbat in this form, often lose their ability to put up a proper fight halfway through the battle. 

Working down his head down to his tail, we’ll start with his multiple horns, which are golden to symbolize his status as a monarch over monsters. Often, that is enough to make smaller beasts back down from a fight but some are a lot more stubborn and continue their advances. Which is when we get to Bitterbat’s maw.

His roar is enough to cause headaches and can be heard for miles. It’s a haunting sound that often deters any monsters from attacking Decking City for a solid week. And his maw can open an ungodly amount, which is often a sign he’s about to blast out his bitter breath. Each Monstrum has a specific aesthetic element to their attacks and Bitterbat’s is smoke/gas. He can emit this gas from his mouth in a thick and condensed breath that hits like the monstrous equivalent of a ton of bricks with the heat of molten lava and the poisonous sting of a king cobra.

His breath is something he doesn’t take lightly and tries to limit it’s usage to less populated areas as it can easily spread and flood out the city, leading to many unnecessary casualties. 

Due to the massive wingspan of both sets of his wings, he can easily send people and cars flying just from the force of flapping them. 

And his tail is able to shoot barbs from the tip as one of the original inspirations for Bitterbat was a manticore. And these barbs are absolutely devastating when they hit as they can impale and inject with a poison that slowly begins to shut down his opponent’s systems. The rattler of his tail also works as a signal to call other monsters (as Bitterbat is labeled the king of them so non-alpha leveled beasts def follow his biding). He also can just use it as an intimidator for the less obedient monsters.

But the shakes of his rattler aren’t limited to just effecting monsters. 

The sound waves can disrupt electricity if its shook to the right tune. Which means many Decking residents have to live through the haunting scenario of their lights blacking out and an ominous rattle and roar in the distance. Even at a normal frequency, Bitterbat’s tail can cause lights to dim and brighten like a music visualizer.  

Bitterbat doesn’t often take this form unless he is certain the area he is in can handle it being unleashed. But there have been moments where he’s lost control and transformed due to his emotions slipping from lack of contact with Sweetheart.