
-Normally quiet and reserved, but if the discussion is about his favorite topic he will talk for hours

-Bit of a nerd

-Cashier at local supermarket

-Loves comic books and sci-fi novels, but not really a movie/digital media fan

-Really into linguistics and conlangs

-Fluent speaker of Espurranto

-Tries to be a good kitty, but gets complacent and lazy/unmotivated sometimes

-Generally content

Hex Codes: Darkest Orange: #fd8427  Medium Orange: #feaf6d  Lightest Orange: #fbe5c0  Yellow Head Marking: #fee370  Yellow Hind Legs Markings: #fde88d  Iris Color: #6bc9fc  Marshmallow Colors: #fafcee #fdd7e4 #d8f6fe #fcfed7