Kisoi Sato (English Golduck)




Last Name : Sato
First Name : Kisoi
Age : 26 y/o
Birthday : 21th April
Zodiac Sign : Taurus
Height : 1m72
Weight : 68 kg
Gender : Male
Orientation : Homosexual
Situation : Single
Birth place : Slateport City (Hoenn)
Origins : Japanese
Seiyuu : Hiro Shimono (Zeno - Akatsuki No Yona)
Job : Speech therapist
golduck_by_zanuelle_admins-dagtn5n.gifPokemon : Golduck
Shiny : No
Nature : Quirky
Type : Water
Weaknesses : Grass | Electric
Level : 35
Evolution : In evolved in the level 33 at 24 y/o

Moves : Psybeam | Hydro Pump | Disable | Fury Swipes
Abilities : Cloud Nine = Eliminates the effects of weather
Pokedex entries : Golduck is the fastest swimmer among all Pokémon. It swims effortlessly, even in a rough, stormy sea. It sometimes rescues people from wrecked ships floundering in high seas.


Like :
- Cassiel.
- Sport.
- His friends.
- Fondue.
Dislike :
- When he gives in to his greed.
- No free time and stress.
- Winter and cold.
- Puns on his name.

Extras :
- He doesn't have migraines anymore !!
- He still loves Cassiel.
- Sometimes he thinks of Cassiel, but he doesn't dare to go to find him.
- Now, he's an speech therapist.
- He still writes poems.
- He's still a silly-shojo, help him (really).
Personality :
He's not shy anymore. He trusts a little more himself and he became a man responsible, but he's still a little bit awkward. He's not bad, he is even very thoughtful, especially with the people who he loves. He's not vindictive, and he doesn't put himself forward, but he doesn't to walked on anymore. Be past his shyness, as soon as we know him a little, he's a spontaneous and funny person. He has an overdeveloped imagination, and he's so romantic.