


2 years, 3 months ago


Name: Deilephila

Nickname(s): Deile, Phila

Pronouns: She/her

Tribe(s): Hivewing

Abilities: Toxin in claws

Sexuality: Pansexual, tends to fall for women more- Polyamours

Birthday/Age: Febuary 28th, 52

Personality: While she’s kind, she has the tendency to be very picky and particular, and can sometimes come off as rude when she doesn’t mean it. She likes being social and meeting new dragons, but can miss social cues sometimes. Can be overbearing and almost obsessive sometimes. Very fierce about those she likes.

Backstory: Deile grew up with two interests: jewelry, and baking. They were both so different, but she loved them both the same. So she learned to bake, then would sell baked goods to make money, then use the money to buy jewelry. She became popular for using fruits in her baked goods, and would often be asked to cater for parties. At one party, she met the charming Chrysiridia, and they flirted back and forth the entire night. At the end of it, they ended up becoming friends, and she’s happy whenever Chrys stops by her shop. One day while getting ingredients, she met the sweet Honeybee. She stayed in her honeydrop shop all day, listening to Honeybee ramble about the backstory of the shop. She was enthralled by her, and often comes by the shop to listen to Honeybee talk, or to vent about her own life.

Occupation: Sells baked goods.

Residence: Jewel Hive

Other Info:

-She loves strawberries!!! They’re her favorite fruit, and she likes to use them in a lot of her desserts.

-Very into romance

-Has a lot of earrings and jewelry that she can wear while baking (basically stuff that wouldn’t be on her talons or wrists.)