
2 years, 2 months ago


"The Celts viewed dragons as magical creatures that are often portrayed next to the gods. Dragons were so powerful that it was believed they could affect the lay of the land, and paths the dragons made were considered more powerful than others. They were viewed as symbols of power, leadership, wisdom, and fertility."

Name: Annwyn

Age: 396

Species: Celtic Dragon

Specialty: Shape-shifting

Associated Goddess: Méabh

Crawling her way out of the Celtic Otherworld, Annwyn burst forth towards the sunlight. She stretched her wings fully for the first time in over a hundred years, feeling the muscles on one side start to cramp slightly. She gingerly folded and unfolded her wings for a few minutes, letting them get used to being able to extend fully. She breathed the fresh air in deeply, smiling as she felt soft rain drops starting to fall on her face. She started to giggle. "This" she thought "is only the beginning"

She stretched a little more and started to concentrate hard, trying to remember...there. She changed her form to that of a human. Much had changed since last she'd been in the mortal realm, this much she knew. She'd been able to see the world, just from behind her dark prison in the Otherworld. The goddess Méabh had hand picked her to stay by her side as her personal guard and companion. It was supposed to have been a great honor, but it wasn't long before Méabh had grown tired of her new toy, imprisoning her in the darkest part of the Otherworld, able to see the human realm but not be a part of it anymore. 

Finally after a century of agony she gathered enough strength and courage to escape. She shuddered suddenly in the rain, and shook her head vigorously. Now was not the time for haunting memories. It was finally time to go out and truly see the world.