rp heheeheeee's Comments

okay so off topic but approximately how old are the two at  this point? I'm thinking like 8-10 moons kinda?

Also for names for warriors- I feel like Sootstream is a good one for soot + a representation of what happened ! We can def discuss possible name ideas as we go

I'm not super good with moons and all that, I was just thinking like halfway, maybe 2/3 through their training? 

And Sootstream works but im not in love with it.

yeah that's about half-a third way through

and yeah idk I like brainstorming

Sootpaw and Sandpaw were on a break, Soot was stretched out in the sun so as much of his surface area as possible was exposed. His dark grey, almost black fur soaked up the heat. His eyes were shut, he was in kitty bliss. He probably wouldn't feel safe enough to be in such a vulnerable position with anyone but Sandpaw. He opened his eyes a bit and purred at his friend beside him.

Sandpaw shifted her paws, trying not to disturb her best friend too much. It was warm, but Sand couldn't help but feel a little chilly as she mewed softly, "Hey Sootpaw... I can tell you anything, right?"

"Yeah of course, is everything alright?" Sootpaw's purring quieted and he lifted his head a bit.


sorry, I sent that at like 10pm and then had to go to school :') ))

"Yeah..." sand shuffled more, then inhaled. "What makes you a tom?" she blurted finally

“What do you mean?” He looked confused, “I dunno? I just am? Same way you are,” he said, obviously not knowing what Sandpaw was about to say.

Sandpaw ducked her ears, not quite meeting Soot's eyes. "I don't feel like a she-cat though... I want to know what makes you a tom." She looked up at the sky, wind in her fur and eyes glistening. "Don't you ever wonder what it would be like to be different? Like if you looked different or were a she-cat instead of a tom, or if you didn't meet me..."

144 Replies

it’s alright sorry for pinging you lmao))