Haethcyn Seawhisper



2 years, 3 months ago


With half-lidded eyes, they smiled slyly into a freshly brewed cup of tea - prepared irritatingly lackadaisically as the Peacemaker could do nothing but watch them hum and boil the water - and waved to him with their fingers. They were being a coy little shit, and they were enjoying it.

“Move it,” The Peacemaker barked, crossing his arms.

The tea cup clinked as it settled back on its plate. “No.”

He lifted his chin slightly, locking eyes with them.

Haethcyn got comfortable where they sat, twirling a lock of dark brown shoulder length hair between two fingers. Oh, they could play the waiting game, alright. Nobody could beat a sailor at sitting on a boat all day. "I hope you brought a book," They cocked a brow, lifting their teacup lazily in the air. "Cheers, chap."

His face didn't change. "We'll see if you're still cheers-ing once I write your vessel up and get it demolished."

They laughed into their tea, undeterred as ever.

"This is not your first violation," He shouted, pissed.

"And it won't be my last!" They laughed harder. "Even the quaggan have better law enforcement than this. Oh no, an asura glaring at me... How scary!"

Seawhisper Crew I


Name Haethcyn Seawhisper Age 36
Nicknames Captain Birth Year 1299
Gender Nonbinary Pronouns They/them
Place of Residence The Seawhisper Dragon's Watch No
Occupation Sailor Race Norn
Orientation Lesbian Partner N/A
Class Engineer Specialization Mechanist


HTML by: KnightOfSpring
Creator: Sunny
Created On: 2-17-2022
Status: Alive
In Game: Yes
In-Game Name: Haethcyn Seawhisper



A norn born in Lion's Arch and raised in the Bloodtide Coast tropics, Haethcyn has always been marching to the beat of their own drum. A worshipper of the spirit of Weasel, they are difficult to pin down, and are just as crafty when it comes to coming up with unique solutions. A frequent thief of materials from the city just to the North of them, they spent their adolescence learning how to tinker with machinery, and grew into a brilliant engineer.

Haethcyn met Scarlet when she was installing the probes in the area, and they struck up a conversation about the science behind them. Impressed by the norn's expertise in the field, they were offered a leading position in the Aetherblades, and eager to prove themself, they accepted without considering the repurcussions of doing so.

They got along well with their crew there, including young Bonnie Morren. But when it came time for the attack on Lion's Arch, Haethcyn's home city, they suddenly got cold feet. Looking the other way while some of their crew defected, they followed suit shortly after, but not before exchanging some blows with two intense Whispers agents.

Afterwards, Haethcyn took to solitary life on the open sea, wanting to stay in their own lane from then on and avoid scruitiny from Lionguard looking for former Aetherblades. They named their boat the Seawhisper, and took excellent care of it, converting it into a hybrid nautical and aerial ship. This lonely life didn't last long, however, as a few years later they found Honey, an amnesiac and expecting charr, and took her on board. A later excursion lead them to find Bonnie in poor health and poverty. Taking pity on the kid, they allowed her on their crew as well.

In 1335, they were blackmailed into granting passage to some other members of the Dragon's Watch guild to Cantha. Despite despising every moment of it considering Anka and the other Aetherblades were there as well, Haethcyn took to jade technology like a moth to a lamp, and soon forgot about their irritation. While there, they met a Brotherhood Tengu named Amphyx and bonded with them, soon after inviting them aboard the Seawhisper, as well.


Haethcyn doesn't concern themself much with the perceptions of others, and is very much only interested in the things they want and the best interests of them and their crew. As a result, they are difficult to intimate, and are infuriating in their ability to let conflict roll off their back like water on a duck's feathers. Always a feeling of slight mockery and coyness to their attitude, anyone outside their inner circle finds them rather vexing to be around, especially in a workplace environment where they will not hesitate to take the lead. They do, however, have a soft spot for the downtrodden and unfortunate, and provides their gruff and grumbling version of support where they can.



Amnesiac charr they nursed back to health. Has been a permanent addition to the crew, and Haethcyn's right hand.


Honey's daughter. Enjoys teaching them about engineering and sliding them explosives to play with without her mother's knowledge.

Bonnie Morren

Former Aetherblade from their original crew. Gives her a lot of tough love and views her as a younger sister.


Brotherhood Tengu befriended in Cantha. Teaches Haethcyn about jade technology and together brainstorm new projects

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