Urish Neboa



2 years, 6 months ago


Urish is a Shadow Wolf in the Acuouy Pack


  • Name: Urish Neboa
  • Gender: Female
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Birthday: June 7th
  • Age: 9 years
  • Species: Shadow (pure shadow/light hybrid)
  • Blood Type: O-
  • Orientation: Bisexual
  • Nicknames: Uri.

  • Pack: Acuouy Pack.
  • Rank: Pup. Assassin.

Urish is the polar opposite of her sister, Iluna, and even her sibling, Meiyo. She is loud, slightly obnoxious and will stick her face into literally anything she comes across. That isn't the say she can't be quiet, she just prefers not to. She enjoys excitement and will bother those older than her for answers and if she isn't satisfied she will find those answers herself. She is ambitious many in her pack worry that one day she will bite off more than she can chew. Many in the pack also agree that she is a disaster waiting to happen. She is proud and a little cocky, often thinking herself better than other pups but her heart is in the right place and she will defend her pack with her life when she gets older (she just has to mature a little first). As of right now, she can be difficult to control or watch because if you take your eyes off her for once, she will be gone and you'll spend hours trying to find her. No matter how old she gets, sometimes she will put her paw in her mouth and has the bad habit of blurting things out without much consideration as to who she's talking to. Urish is known for speaking her mind as well and voicing any questions that she thinks of outloud.


Urish has all the moves and abilities of her species and sex. She has inherited the ability Light Guard.
She is also a summoner. She has a snake spirit (found on the island) named Fulo. Fulo is very protective of his master and tends to try and keep her out of trouble and tell her when she may be saying things without any thought.


Urish was born into the Acuouy Pack alongside her littermates, Iluna and Meiyo. She ended up becoming the voice for her siblings very quickly and desired to follow in the paws of Eclipse, her cousin who she looked up to greatly. She would become a skilled Assassin eventually.
She would also later become mates with both Faris and Rosoinen.

Skaya - Mother
Ufasimba - Father

Meiyo - sibling
Iluna - sister

Faris - Mate
Rosoinen - Mate

Likes: Standing out. Doing her own thing. Spiders.

Dislikes: Being ignored. Birds.

Fears: Rejection.


  • Theme Song: N/A
  • Voice Claim: Unknown
  • Quote: N/A