Natasha Maiden-Flight



6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info








A mixure of black, brown and white sections forming a pleasing coat scheme, she has purple eyes


Natasha is a strong indervidual, she sticks to her guns until there is almost nothing left making her quite stuborn. However being strong willed is not really a bad thing most of the time. Natasha is someonewhom you could refer to as a rock. Allowing her friends, family and those she cares for emotional support when they need it, Nat is more than happy to oblige.

Despite her stubborn streak Natasha is quite diplomatic due to her job being a commercial pilot for British Airlines1. She's seen the world many times over and has flown to 6 out of the 7 continents of the world. Natasha has loved most of the counties she's flown too there are a few exceptions like the United States due to their anti Russian sentiments2. She's learnt many things traveling the world and could be considered beyond her years when it comes to being socially mature.

Likes: Flying, open spaces, cuddles, cooking exotic foods, speaking in Russian, being lazy, cold days, rainy days

Dislikes: Hot weather, anti Russian sentient, politics, getting lost, arguing, being proved wrong, Americans3

Natasha was born in the somewhat famous city of Saint Petersbourg. There are few things in her blood; cold, sea and Russia as she is quite patriotic, developing the love of her nation at an early age and has kept the sentiment growing up.

1: The company she works for can be altered.

2: Sentence can be disregarded if needed or wanted.

3: Again can be removed.