


6 years, 5 months ago


Name blue
Species flightling
Age 500+ years
Height 28cm
Gender female
Pronouns she/her
Orientation demisexual
Relationship Status committed
Occupation tribe leader

Status -
Designer tea-leaf
Worth -


born blue feather of the mountain hawk to the feathered tribes of the north, daughter of the tribe's chief, blue was expected to continued leading the tribe in her father's place. in the wake of a sickness that spread through their tribe, blue was left to lead the family of flightlings before she was old enough to truly understand the strength necessary for leadership. many years later, she continues to lead with a wisdom that has grown over time.

known for her calm and stoic nature, blue is a leader at heart. her collected, open-mindedness is perhaps her most notable trait. she is reknowned for maintaining a level head in stressful situations and making objective decisions without allowing her personal feelings and opinions to interfere. though she has taken charge of her tribe as it's current leader, she has always been a good listener, taking the time to listen to those around her and come to understanding their perspectives. she is incredibly perceptive, tending to observe and infer rather than leaping into action. even so, she often follows her own instincts when they seem appropriate. she carries a motherly vibe, with an attitude that she must protect and take care of those under her command.

due to her calm temperament, blue can often come off as cold and uncaring. she does not offer her opinions freely, prefering to listen and take in information without giving much input. as a result she sometimes appears to be scheming, witholding information whilst building up her own knowledge. she is very selective with what she says, and so when she says somehing harsh, it can be incredibly cutting due to a deep understanding of underlying motives and behaviours. as a result, she very rarely criticizes others, due to the harsh reality offered with her criticisms. when it is necessary, she will chastise those who she feels are not putting in their full effort, are wasting her time, or doing things that may be a risk to others.

blue was born as the daughter of the leader of the time, alongside her two siblings, sandflower and shrike. her father, the leader rockfoot, was a kind and generous flightling. he spent every free moment he could with his mate, lark, and their three children. the three young kittens were very close, sneaking off to have adventures together and making plans to rule their tribe.

when they were still young, the three found themselves in many dangerous situations. they were reprimanded for disobedience each instance, but this did not deter them. an encounter with a volcanic creature lead to shrike's untimely death when the three were only half a year old. the tragic loss of their brother changed the two remaining sisters, and they became far more careful. they gave up on their adventures, instead focusing on their devotion to their tribe.

blue was chosen by her father to be trained as the next leader and threw herself into the duties associated with her role. but as she grew older and began building relationships with the many other flightlings in her tribe, she grew close to one some few years older than her. his name was whinchat, and he was kind and loyal, but his flirtatious nature drew her to him. the two became mates, but no litter followed, due to blue's inability to focus on her duties and raise offspring. blue's father passed far earlier than she expected due to severe sickness that grasped their tribe, leaving the young, inexperienced flightling in charge of the tribe. with many older, more experience advisors by her side, blue took on her role as leader and matured incredibly fast.

sandflower found her own mate, though it was a forbidden relationship with a flightling of another tribe. as a result, the offspring were to be shunned by the leader. when they were only days old, the tribe was attacked and sandflower murdered. despite her role as leader, blue chose to take care of the children herself, despite their half-breed heritage. she accepted the criticism and the responsibilities, and with her mate supporting her raised the four children successfully into full grown flightlings. their names were never, firebird, eagleheart and cedar.

blue was proud of her adopted children, but they grew bitter. they were not accepted by the others, quietly ostracized within their own tribe. three abandoned the tribe, leaving only one who supported blue and chose to remain. the three returned several years later to attack the tribe and blue was forced to truly exile them and treat the children as her enemies. it broke her heart, but she knew it was necessary for the good of her tribe. she felt many regrets, believing it to be her own fault and never truly forgave herself.