


2 years, 4 months ago



Name/Nickname; Raindrop/Dewdrop/Dewy

Age; 20

Gender; Male

Height; 4'8

Body Type; Tall, slim/lean

Sexuality; Pansexual

About Them; Raindrop is a flirtious and goofy/snarky type of guy. He is known for his charming and saucy personality, and is often the life of the party. Raindrop is constantly out and about, meeting new people and participating and many wild activities, living his life to the best of his ability.

Raindrop was raised by his loving father and mother. Both caretakers of kits, so he had grown up surrounded by many. Whether during his own time as a kit, or helping his parents during work hours. Kits have always been a great part of Rain's life and he holds a special place in his heart for them.

Rain struggles with anxiety and PTSD due to growing up with memories of his past. Despite how rare those memories are, they were the most disturbing to ever have. Leaving him traumatized since a young age. He often panics in crowded areas, and has violent flashbacks whenever they're near bodies of water. Due to his PTSD and anxiety, Raindrop grew up with a service pliff that helped him deal with his struggles.

Besides the previous mental illness/disorders that Rain struggles with, Rain biggest struggle is his schizophrenia. Rain often hears voices and creatures that are not visible to other. His parents had thought Rain was simply going through a kit phase of "Imaginary friends". But over time, those " Friends" Never left, and Rain would be caught multiple times talking or laughing to himself, sometimes even arguing. Rain has learned to deal with his Schizophrenia, but it still troubles him. As voices in his head command him of to commit some disturbing acts. Rain often has to touch the people around him to check that they are indeed real. Though sometimes, his schizophrenia will get the better of him, and he'll have to depend on his Pliff to alter him if a Vesper he's speaking/touching is real.

Interested in; Rain loves dressing up. He's always had a great fond for clothing, and will often create his own set of clothing to wear or sell. His current outfit being created by him based off the sweater his parents had gotten him as a kit.

Rain also has an interest for singing and will sometimes create songs, though, he very rarely sing it to people. He might be flirtatious and outgoing, but he sometimes his anxiety gets the better of him.

Rain loves drawing. It was always something he's done as a kit, and over time, it became a big part of his life, a way to express himself. Rain could be as clean or messy as he'd like without it turning into a so called "failure", as art can have many perspectives. Ones flaws are someone else's treasure. And growing up with a family who had struggled with that upon their own childhood, it was a perfect way to bond with him.

Rain's favorite activity of all times is pranks. He loves getting into trouble and will often tag along with his best friends to cause said trouble. That "trouble" can be things as small as writing graffiti on someone's home, to something as big as arson. Rain's a bit crazy when it comes to pranks, and will sometimes go to the extreme for a good laugh. No worries though, he always make sure no one gets physical hurt during these "pranks". He wants to laugh and cause a bit of emotional distress, not physical.