Ghost Pepper Cookie



2 years, 3 months ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Ghost Pepper Cookie
Nicknames/Aliases: Pepper, Pep
Titles: None(?)
Age: 28
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Cookie
Birthday: April 23rd
Occupation: None
Powers: Pyrokinesis, probably some others
Living Family: None, but sees Candlesnuff as a mother figure
Hometown: -tba-
Current Residence: -tba-

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5’4”
Body: Tan
Hair: Red
Eyes: Warm grey (turns fiery red when letting her powers show)
Body Type: Soft and curvy
Distinguishing Marks: None
Left or Right-Handed: Right
Quirks/Habits: Due to the nature of her powers, she never touches people. She also bites at her lip when deep in thought or trying to remember something.
Voice/Voiceclaim: Blake Belladonna (Arryn Zech) - RWBY

Medical Information

Addictions: None
Aids/Augmentations: None
Allergies: None
Conditions: None
Physical Abnormalities: None
Blood Type: Strawberry
Disorders: Depression
Other Notes: Ghost Pepper’s body is almost always scorching hot, despite holding back her power considerably. Ironically, she’s immune to the effects of extreme heat, and is completely impervious to fire.

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: English
Positive Traits: Sincere, level-headed, patient, gentle, passionate
Neutral Traits: Quiet, withdrawn, shy, cautious, modest
Negative Traits: Gloomy, somewhat cynical, vindictive when angered
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Pessimist
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Fears: Hurting a loved one, drowning
Secrets: Her Avatar status, and her involvement with the Desolation cult


General Likes: Loud/heavy music, fashion, domesticity, feeling “normal”, hugs, meat, gothic literature, singing, classic horror movies, vinyl records, yoga, metalworking, stargazing
General Dislikes: The cult’s attention, being in the spotlight, her powers at times, obnoxiously flirty types, petty/catty/gossipy girls, being interrupted/pestered, tense silences, arrogance
Animal: Red pandas
Color: Black
Food: Sauteed pork
Drink: Coffee
Music Genre: Metal and hard rock
Season: Autumn
Flower: Lilies


Best Friend(s): None/tba
Other Friends: Ebi Chili, Tomato Berry
Acquaintances: Roti Canai
Significant Other(s): -tba-
Rivals: None
Enemies: None/tba
Pets: -tba-


Meaning of Name: N/A
Religion: N/A
Astrological Zodiac: Taurus sun, Virgo moon
Celtic Tree Sign: Willow
Birthstone: Diamond
Birth Flower: Daisy & Sweet Pea
Element: Earth… most of the time
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
PKMN Nature: Quiet
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

  • Everything Ghost Pepper touches – from the furniture and surfaces in her home, to the clothes on her back – need a special rune to keep them from catching fire. This even extends to members of the Desolation cult themselves, having it tattooed directly onto their bodies. Some Cookies are exempt from this, however; certain Desolation Avatars, such as Ebi Chili and Roti Canai, can make physical contact with her for a decent amount of time before they start to sizzle.
  • Ebi Chili helps Ghost Pepper shot for clothes since she can’t touch them in the stores (and they have similar fashion tastes anyway)
  • Ghost Pepper cannot eat finger foods due to them instantly burning/overcooking right in her hands. Because of this, you’ll find her eating things like french fries and apple slices with a fork. She is also unable to enjoy frozen treats.
  • Ghost Pepper used to be a very angry, destructive child, in stark contrast to the soft-spoken adult she is now. She also had much, much less restraint when it came to setting people alight when they upset her.
  • Before Ghost Pepper got a hold on her powers, her extremities always looked charred black, sometimes with the bones showing. (She felt no pain from this, however)
  • Ghost Pepper never knew her birth parents. Her father was never in the picture, and her mother died giving birth to her in the ritual that granted Pepper her powers.


Akira Yamaoka - I Want Love
Mili - Bulbel