Baybreeze (Breeze)



2 years, 6 months ago


bought for 12 USD

worth: 35 USD fullbody (korka) 10 USD headshot (korka) 12 USD original purchase

**Name:** Baybreeze (Breeze)
 **Age:** 34 Moons (October; Added 2022)
**Biological Gender:** Molly
**Gender Identity:** Female
**Rank:** Loner
__Parents:__ ~~Phoenixblaze, Prudence~~
Baybreeze is a dreamer. She's absolutely consumed with stories told by her father or by her found family's older members. She day-dreams whenever she can, surrounding herself by fantasies of other worlds and thoughts of the future. She's an optimist, believing everything will always end up well. Nothing, absolutely nothing can break her idealism!
Born to Phoenixblaze and a rogue molly Prudence, Breeze was named in honors of her grandmother, Slipbreeze. She grew up with her mother, her father always visiting her. As rough and cocky Prudence was as a mother, she absolutely loved her daughter and Breeze grew up in a loving space.
Breeze grew up on stories of the Clans and the FangTalons, always wondering what it was like to live in a group. As an only-kit, she felt the need to go outside and explore her neighborhood. Once, she's met an old tom named Mortimer! She always came bothering him for more stories and tales of his journeys!
Once she grew older, she's decided to move from her family and travel herself! She still remembers her parents in the best ways and If she has her way around their area, she visits them!
 A grey spotted molly with >50% of white spotting, pale bright blue eyes and tufted ears
__Shows:__ Dilute, black, spotted tabby, >50% of white spotting, tufted ears
__Carries:__ Cinnamon, point, long fur
CTA: Korka
CTD: Tetmu