


2 years, 2 months ago


stellarium - any pronouns - butch lesbian - galaxy-winged celestian dragon - 129 - mid 20s equivalent - uhhh rly tall

stellarium is a laid back, lackidaiscal nomad who wanders the highways of the world on an eternal road trip. he explores both normal liminal spaces and strange magical spaces. she's kind of a mess despite her noble status among dragon society, so she doesn't live there any more. they're very much a goofy guy who's pure of heart and dumb of ass. oh, and his wings are magic! they disappear and reappear as needed.

she was besties with emperor growing up, but they have a fairly strained relationship now. that being said, emperor still lets them crash on their couch when needs be so.

in recent years, he picked up a travel buddy and lover in imperial. things suddenly became a lot easier around - stellarium swears that he manages to keep his head screwed on thanks to the little cat. in turn, he's a very soft and grounding presence when imperial gets too stuck in their own head.