✧Esben Weiler



2 years, 3 months ago


Esben Weiler ✧ N/A rn ✧ They/Them ✧ Ultimate Scenery Painter

║➥ Esben is a HUGE imaginatory type of person- I mean.. they're blind, so it would make sense. Nothing better to do. They grew up HEAVILY sheltered from the world thanks to their rapidly decreasing physical health- and being blind to top it all off was just the cherry atop this medical disaster cake. They used their imagination to cope with it, having a tainted, whimsical sense of the world, it truly not helping with the media they consumed as a way to pass time. However.... while Esben is a very hopefully minded person, they aren't... unaware to the horrors of the world.

I mean, they have to cope with that paranoia so they kind of over compensate, seem like a normally relaxed person, even when they're shaking like a chihuahua the WHOLE time. they're quiet so they don't seem like an easy target, to fade into the background and go unnoticed.

So, they paint how they imagine the world to be, their imagination is MUCH safer than reality.
➥LOVES to bounce on a trampoline !! its kinda how they get their inspiration- swinging is also how they do aswell!!
➥wears sunglasses in public due to light sensitivity- they may be blind, but are still sensitive to it.
➥LOVES bears. adores them. Oh so much. They've heard discriptions, and has held teddy bears, so while its more so them loving the concept of them, they still love them and wishes they could see them.
➥walks around with a cane, but really doesn't like using it if they can avoid as such!!
➥Probably will always have paint in their hair- that's okay! it's cute!!!
➥Tends to have their eyes closed at ALL times, due to their very vacant, creepy stare freaking people out.
This character is a revamp of an old character! Only mutuals will probably recognize them :3 even then only barely, i changed a LOT about this fella