Chaldera's Comments

Hi! Can I ask what are you looking for them? :)

Hello! I'm looking for resale, art or custom! :'D will look at designs too but kinda picky hehe

How much would they be for the resale? :0

Ohh oki! I’ll keep that in mind then

I got them for around $14! lookung to resale with that amount~

I can definitely do $14 ! 

oky!! feel free to pay here and I'll send them to you! [email protected]

1 Replies

Hi! Is this character still available and if so are you alright with art in exchange? :?

Hi! and yes they are, I can consider art! ><

Cool! These are some examples of my more recent art:
I'm willing to do any fully-shaded and colored artwork varying from chibis to fullbody art, as long as character references are provided, if that's okay?
If you're not interested, I understand! ^ ^

your art is beautiful but I'll have to pass for now!! but thank you so much for offering, I appreciated it a lot >< 💜

That's fine, thank you for considering it regardless. <3!!