


2 years, 6 months ago


Flea/Pulga - They/He/It - Bi - Agender - Dogthing 

Flea is the epitome of “Think later ACT NOW!” this untamable mutt loves to jump head first into the action and kicking ass.
Very impulsive and loves hyper analyzing people and anything it can get its paws on. Blurts out whatever comes to mind, often coming off as insensitive even when being witty. Very theatrical and expressive with their mannerisms. 

Flea started off as a grunt, working alongside Hank and his later to be best friend Spike.
Flea would often fool around in the group, either not doing his assigned tasks or refusing to follow others because of his clashing personality.
Least to say they were promptly kicked from the group and left to fend for themselves alongside Spike. 

Flea refuse to give up, stating “It’s kill or be killed out here dumbass.” to his team mate before putting his foot down and learning the ways of the wastelands. He and Spike rose the ranks of the wasteland bandit groups, eventually forming their own group and ruling it with an iron fist together. 

Flea is a very skilled melee weapon user and prefers hand to hand combat over other forms of combat. Its favorite weapons are daggers and maces. Very flexible, agile, and street smart.

When chaos ensued between the AAHW, Flea was dragged into purgatory alongside Deimos and Sanford. 

They fought with teeth and nail to get out alive, successfully doing so but with the misfortune of coming out mutated as a dogthing. Despite feeling as though he were the bearer of a curse, Flea quickly adapted to his new form and grew to embrace it. 

- NEVER takes off goggles, nobody has ever seen his eyes 

- Speaks Spanish and English 

- Has eaten food that was on the floor for more than 10 seconds

- Instinctually howls more than they like to 

- Has some medical and engineering experience