
Name: Squid

Age: 34 ( Irken years)

Species: irken

Height: 4'8"

Gender: male 

Occupation: guard 


Quirks: a bit of a perv, gets dizzy and 

             blacks out if he doesn't have 

             enough sugar, hypoglycemic, 

            Vortians freak him out. 

Likes:cuttlefish, squids, attractive 

           Irkens, flirting, picking on the 

            service drones, gummy 


Dislikes: Vortians, getting up early, 

             blacking out, getting called 

              short, sharing food, day 



Squid is pretty much a typical irken. Loyal to his Tallest, bias towards Irkens and Irk. 

He made it through his training, training to be a guard rather then an invader. 

He never really wanted to explore other planets or take them over. Irk and irken ships are his preference. 

After passing the guard exams he was stationed on irk. Though later found out he was a bit defective, due to his hypoglycemia. 

He usually kept it in check but he happen to black out on the job a few times. Thankfully he hasn't been reported yet. 

