Dr. Ivar Hane



2 years, 3 months ago


-Works at Adam's practice as a doctor

-Lost his eye in an accident when the hospital he worked at was bombed during a war. He was decorated as a hero for saving as many of his patients as he could, but he was one of the last ones out and got caught in the rubble as the building collapsed. He was left disfigured, and only after extensive surgeries was he able to regain his looks. His right eye was destroyed and couldn't be saved. (He hates wearing a prosthetic and choses to wear an eyepatch instead.)

-Most places didn't want to hire him based on his looks, and later his missing eye, but Adam saw his potential and hired him on. 

-He's got excellent eyesight in his remaining eye and can navigate just fine, albeit with no depth perception, and aside from some well-hidden scars and low facial mobility (He struggles with facial expressions as he just doesn't have the elasticity or muscle tone in his face to do so) 

-He has a great sense of humor, although it's usually delivered deadpan, and he's a friendly person.  He does suffer from depression and body dysmorphia, which causes low self-esteem, but he tries not to let it show. 
