Cotton Kanina



Cotton is quite the little rabbit. She has had an interesting history, but the most significant is getting married to her "Candy-cane" or..Candy, her wife. Together, Candy and her "Cotton-ball" happily dated and loved each other as...CottonCandy. Living together in a calm and huge house. They had their fun and all the fun bunnies would have, until she happened upon a gardevoir by the name of Emma. Cotton quickly became infatuated and made Emma her first pokemon and that sparked into a fire of lust for gardevoirs. She mixed her home into a cabaret sort of thing where she kept a harem of gardevoirs..but only 6 because that's all Candy ever allowed at one time. Oddly enough, this became like a family, albeit a lustful one, that made her so happy. She finally decided, with all the happy and surprisingly wholesome "family" around, that she wanted a child. Candy eventually put a bun in Cotton and she had her first child, little Clarissa, and now they all live happily in a cozy cottage (and the gardevoir lust came too). After Clair got older, Cotton more or less let her 6 gardevoir go, and moved to a bigger spot. Cotton eventually made a whole garden where her favorite pokemon could come and go as they all pleased. Though still feeding her little addiction, she has become more focused on her family and beloved Candy-cane