


6 years, 5 months ago


Female - 27

She is a very robust individual. Leader in a gym, she cosplays as a pikachu to better present her team of choice and represent the gym. She has a love/hate relationship with her job. She's proud of what's she's been able to do but a mental breakdown is bound to happen any moment. And when it does she'll probably run off and do her own thing. She has a boisterous air to her according to anyone that meets her. She's not afraid to speak her mind and will hold her opinion until she's embarrassingly proved wronged. An older man owns the gym she's leader of and she takes care of him in her spare time. When he passes, she begins to feel lost and realizes she wants more than to be held back at a gym, she has other dreams. Pokemon contests have always interested her. Will her realization, and a mental breakdown that everyone knew was coming, make her take that first step toward her dream? Possibly but she'll need some friends to support her.

When her little breakdown happens she's in the middle of a gym battle. She knocks out the opponent's first pokemon and then she just cracks. Carmen throws down her tail, messes up her hair-ears, throws down her headphone thing, and states "I'm through. You won the whole gym forget!! the badge!! You won the whole freaking gym!" And then she walks out leaving the crowd watching in silence.

It takes a whole month for her to even start up her passion for pokemon contests. She had a bulky team, not really ones trained to be cute and put on a glamour show. But she worked with them and figured it out.