Magi [£2]



6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Species (Closed)







A species known for their collection based religion


Each collector is is aligned to a god when then are born. Their features or parents alignment may tell which god they will follow, but it is up to the gods to choose who shall collect for them. Once the collector is able to walk, they start to feel a guiding force on their soul which leads them to their life's fate, their first quest. This feeling is refered to as a "draw" by the collectors. They may be drawn to a valuble, sentimental, magical item, or many more.


The pull collectors feel towards an object their god wants them to collect. The draw of an item goes away when they are far from it, or it is in their possession. They usually only feel drawn to something when they are close to it, and their god does give them a break from this pull at times, or if the collector prays for a break. The god doesnt mind this as long as they make their monthly sacrifice.

Monthly sacrifice

To sate their gods, collectors sacrifice one item they were drawn to that month. The more the collector values the item they sacrifice, the better blessing they receive. They usually give more valuable items when they need help from their god, or are going to breed that month.

To sacrifice an item, they leave it at their feet at night. When they wake up the next day the item will have been taken by their god.


Breeding is a true commitment for collectors, as it is not done in the traditional way. A collector and their partner pray to their god for their blessing to have a child. They know when they recieve this blessing, because they will feel and extremely strong draw. They are each drawn to their own item, which they must bring home(no matter how large or heavy or difficult) and place into box/basket. This box/basket must remain untouched for three days, while the draw to its contents continues to get stronger. If the parents are able to keep their paws off for the three days, they are gifted a child.

Life/life span

Collectors usually leave their parents when they start walking and feel their first draw. This usually happens at 3-4 months old.

Collectors spend their almost their whole life collecting, if not all of it.

The normal lifspan ranges from 40-50 years

How do they let items go for jobs?

     Collectors have a hard time giving up items, due to their draw to them. A collector giving up items to anyone other than their god can physically hurt them, without proper aid.

For familiars they can create an alignment bond with their master which allows them to freely give them any item, with nothing in return. This bond is created through prayer, and the gods approval of the master. The god will reject the bond if they feel the master has a cold heart, the master is greedy, or the master only wants a temporary familiar, as these things can break a alignment bond. If an alignment bond is broken, it could kill, or severely injure the collector.

     There is also an "angel tear jem" collectors can make by collecting three items they value very much, and sacrificing them to their god. The gem will lay where the items did when they wake up. This gem can be placed on a necklace, braclet or just on the collectors person to allow them to trade freely. The gem DOES require that the user gets something in return, for what they give away to counteract the draw. For that reason the gem is mostly used by merchants, or familiars that get food or coin for their items.

So why so they follow their god and listen to them? 

     Other than the literal pull they feel towards collection items, they thoroughly enjoy collecting. It gives them purpose, and adventure, and goals. It's opened many jobs to them. And they get rewarded for doing it!

Gods and Lore

In the begining there was one god, and only this. One god and empty space, a void with nothing. Like most beings would, the god got got lonely. They wanted friends and loved ones to surround them. So they pondered the company they would like, and decided they would forge other gods from their best atributes. Their value was the first god. They felt, that scince they were the only beingm therefore the best, the strongest, at this time, they were the most valuable. They broke off a piece off of theirself and forged a gorgeous being. They forged a god with beautiful lustrous fur, and liquid gold eyes. This god came into creation with such, confidence and force, that their surroundings lit up with a soft, warm light. The void filled with a sun and a sky, and precious metals and gems formed. The first makings of the world.
The second god was magic. It was what made them valuable, made them strong, so they too would be made. They broke off half of what was left, and worked away. The god they forged was larger than the last, and rippling with power. So much power that it crystalized into stones large and small. Each one filled with the excess energy. These stones fell over the metals formed before, planting themselves as reservoirs of power.
The last god was forged by magic and value. They used what was left of their creator, and made a god larger than them both. Remade into the world with wonderous, thankful eyes, was the god of sentiment. They and the others worked to make this beautiful mass of metal and stone, a home. They worked for three days. In those days they gave the world variety and life. Value added trees and caves and sneaky underbrush. Magic created the dirt planting their seeds of magic through it, growing wonderful plants, and making beautiful animals. Sentiment added the stars and springs, and views of everthing pretty to see. They made places to make memories. And they made the people. They made people in resemblance to themself and the other gods. They made people who would follow them to see all the wonderful things in the world, so they could gift these people everything

God of Value: Draws followers to items of value. These collectors often become theives.

Examples of collection items: coins, rings, gems, gold, silver, ect.

God of Sentiment:Draws followers to items of Sentiment. These collectors are often great at bartering, and become merchants.

Examples of collection items: Toys, Family heirlooms, pictures, ect.

God of Magic: Draws followers to magical items. These collectors often become familiars, and can have magic powers

Examples of collection items: Magic stones, potions, potion ingredients, wands, cloaks, ect.

God of Nature: Draws followers to flora and fauna. These collectors often become breeders, or botanist.

Examples of collection items: Flowers, beetles, newts, lizards, snails, frogs, any SMALL animal/plant.

The God of Luck: Draws followers to lucky items. These collectors often become gamblers, or are hired for any job that needs a bit of lady luck on its side.

Examples of collection items: Four-leaf Clovers, rabbits feet, lucky horseshoes, dice, lady bugs, anything with number 7 on it, lucky pennies, goldfish, variety of other luck items.

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