Rinku's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!



Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Lockettes Global Rules

MYO Rules

MYO slots for Lockette can be resold only if they were initially purchased for money. This includes mutation add-ons. Slots that have been traded for will need permission to be resold for slot value so we can monitor sales and trades, please contact a mod with regards to this.

Can only be re-sold if bought initially, gifted slots have no value outside of trades.
This slot is valid for ONE lockette, but can include multiple mutation traits on that same design.
There is no deadline on using your MYO.


         General Adopt Related Rules

  1. Closed Species designs are for personal use only, and should not be used for commercial sales without explicit permission from both Lunathyst- the species owner, and the designer of the design in question. 
  2. All sales are final. Do not ask anyone to refund a design you have already received.
  3. When uploading a Lockette to TH, creator credits should be assigned to the species account, and designer credits should go to the designer of the adopt. Please try to keep all art credits, including bases, correct.
  4. Either Erinsomnia, the creator of Lockettes, or Lunathyst, the owner of Lockettes, should be credited for the species every time you draw/share art of your Lockette.
  5. The TOS of designers for Lockette adopts applies in addition to these rules. In cases where they differ or conflict, whichever rule is more strict is to be followed.
  6. Do not ever delete & re-upload a Lockette to TH unless asked to do so by the mods. If for any reason you have to do this, make sure to take a screenshot of the prior transfer history and upload it to accompany the character.
  7. If you do not use TH, and instead store your characters in a gallery like sta.sh or imgur, make sure to keep careful receipts of trade and transfer history. Without these, we cannot guarantee approval for resale, and you could be at a disadvantage in a scenario where a dispute over ownership might come up.

    Sales/Resales, Trading,  Gifting, & Ownership
  8. All resales of Lockette must be approved, regardless of whether you are adding value or reselling for the original purchase price.
  9. You cannot resell for more than the original purchase price without appraisal. 
  10. You cannot resell traded designs without both approval and appraisal. For appraisal, again, please see the above link.
  11. You can accept AB offers on traded Lockette, however they must be appraised and approved first. If you acquire a design through AB, you will still need approval to resell.
  12. Gifted, DTA/WTA, and raffle designs cannot be resold, and can only be traded if you have added value in the form of art or writing.
  13. The Lockette admins and/or masterlist should be notified any time a Lockette changes hands for any reason. You can do this via the visual masterlist on DA (link), or the #ownership-log channel on Discord.


  1. Removal of Lockette from the species is allowed. In order to do so, we ask that you:
    - Remove all traits that are Lockette-specific traits (Charms, Keyhole, the collar can stay but must be shown to be removable)
    - Get approval from the original designer/creator of the design.
    - Get approval from mods for the redesign & its removal.
    - Once your removal redesign is approved by mods, post on the LocketteMasterlist or use or #ownership-log channel on Discord to make the removal official.
    - If you are converting the design to another CS, we ask that you have permission from the other species, and have the MYO slot for that species ready.
    - You understand that you cannot reverse this unless you purchase or acquire a new MYO slot, and register the design again.
  2. We do allow the conversion of other species and/or non-species designs into Lockette, provided:
    - Doing so is not against the rules of the other species.
    - You have gotten permission from the owner of the other species & designer beforehand(we may ask for a screenshot as proof, just to be safe), and have a MYO slot ready.
    - Mods are made aware that the design is a conversion during the MYO approval process
    - Any notable traits of the other species are removed in the conversion process, to prevent confusion.
  3. Redesigns are allowed as long as the new designs recognizably resembles at least 80% of the original design. Traits need to remain in the same rarity, unless you’ve purchased trait upgrades in the Key Store, or are applying a MYO slot to upgrade traits.
  4. If you want to redesign your Lockette, it needs to be submitted for approval! You can do so by submitting them via note to the group on DA, or using the #myo-approval channel on Discord. You’ll need to link the masterlist entry for the original design, and a reference that can be used for your new one.