Aoife Starseeker



2 years, 3 months ago



She’s an escaped genetic experiment, on the run from the researchers that created her. She’s the smartest of who she considers her sisters. All of them are from the same litter and she’s trying to figure out a way to improve their lives and revive the project.

She believes that those lost were denied the chance at life that they deserved. She’s the weakest of her sisters and the rest have vowed to protect her as she is the only link that had involvement with the researchers outside of combat and menial drills.


A bookish sort, at least before the incident that left her blinded. She’s headstrong in her own way but prefers to look at things from a practical point of view.


Sola, Selene, Emine, Melody (Sisters)



  • Originally created in an underground and illegal lab, researching further into DNA manipulation and gene splicing
  • They were made to be sold to black market buyers to serve as companions, servants or even pit fighters
  • Born from a surrogate mother as part of a batch
  • There were other surrogate mothers and litters as part of the research
  • They were collectively referred to as “The Batch”
  • Spent her early years being tested and prodded alongside others from the same batch
  • The research staff discovered that while physically weak, was quite the prodigy when it came to chemicals
  • Selected to assist the staff with experiments and chemical/drug delivery
  • When the project was about to be discovered by GUN, the order was given to liquidate the batch to avoid discovery and punishment
  • She escaped with a few survivors, narrowly avoiding being liquidated by the kill teams.
  • The lab was destroyed and the researchers who survived scattered to the four winds or were imprisoned by GUN for questioning.
  • She needed a place far away from a lot of questioning and wandering eyes so she fled to Angel Island
  • She lived on the island for a while, surviving on her own merits and smarts
  • When the island crashed down, the blast of Chaos Energy and impact left her blinded
  • Emerging from the wreckage, she found that though her traditional vision was gone, it had been replaced with a different kind of sight.
  • She now wields powers that are very foreign to what she has known before but can’t help but feel as if she’s being watched as she fled the spreading crystals.

Additional History:


Chaos Vision (Functions like Night-Vision/Infrared. Unable to see things that do not emit Chaos energy. An adaptation from losing her eyesight in the island crash and exposure to the Chaos Crystals)
Chaos Manipulation

Link to Character Sheet: