


2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Background subject to change/is a WIP

Saturn lives in my furry cyberpunk/scifi headworld, hes a 20-something transguy african civet

His main occupation is biomech fighting, both legal and illegal/underground scenes. Mostly on the side of engineering and upkeeping the biomechs themselves, though he occasionally enters in his own battles in hopes to win big enough to leave the scene for good. He also often dabbles in space piracy, whenever a good enough score presents itself. In truth, he'd much rather be engineering biomechs and spacefaring in a more respectable and legitimate way, but circumstances landed him where he is and you'd find it difficult to get him to act or admit like hes not just here doing this all for the sheer fun of it.

he acts in a cool-headed and almost cocky manner, going into situations seeming reserved and aloof, but once he interacts he quickly becomes taunting and flirtatious, just all around pushing his luck in being provocative no matter the situation. If something legitimately gets to him and angers or upsets him, he'll quickly revert to the reserved nature, lowering his head and arching his shoulders with fur rising along his spine to intensely stare down the source of the frustration, often only speaking to deliver cold and calculated responses/threats in a lower tone of voice. Most of the time though he may not entertain a response, preferring to keep his true emotions or intentions unreadable to an extent.