Fiona Hodges



2 years, 3 months ago


Name: Fiona Hodges

Age: early 30s eyo

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Height: 5'6"

Build: Average

Clan: Rho

Flavor: Truffle

Location: Vaccarelli District, Iota

Relationship Status: Married*

Occupation: Veterinarian expert (specializing in specifically small mammalian petpet species)

Dr. Fiona Hodges is a calm, gentle floss who, on the surface, appears to lead a perfectly normal life.  Her co-workers at the veterinary hospital that she works at know that she has to take time off frequently due to her on-going health issues, none of which are privvy to the details of, but she talks about her husband and her nice house in the Vaccarelli District and all seems to be going right for her.  

What they don't know, however, is that Fiona is very good at keeping up appearances and keeping secrets - her husband got them entangled in the Sucre-Splendar Family bullshit.  She knows just how messy this family is because, well, that's another secret, though not even her beloved Hodgepodge knows this - she is unfortunately related to the Splendars.  Fiona knows that the Splendars would never hurt her - her half-brothers promised her - but the same protection was never extended to her husband.  She would do anything to protect her Hodgepodge.  Anything.

Fiona is intelligent, fearless, and will not back down from a challenge.  She goes out of her way to be kind, whenever she is afforded the chance to be.  She loves her job, wholeheartedly, working with different kinds of petpets day to day.

Her resolve is strong, but her health is declining.  She suffers from chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain and migraines and there are days where she cannot stand upright and she uses a cane frequently.