Carmen Lopez



6 years, 5 months ago


Carmen Lopez

exciteable sporty cheerful

"If only the saying 'everything's bigger in Texas' applied to your dick."


Name || Carmen Lopez
Alias || CC
Gender || Female
Age || 20
Sign || Libra
Ethnicity || Mexican-American
Orientation || Heterosexual
Occupation || College Student
Status || probably out playing rugby
Theme || Camila Cabello- Havana (Remix)


Carmen is a 20 year old Mexican woman currently living in Baytown, Texas, but she often visits her friends in Ireland when she gets the chance. She is kind of a mom friend, but tends to act more impulsively than the average one. Carmen is prone to a bit of jealosy, but she is very good at hiding it. She is extremely protective of her younger brother, Miguel. She lives in an apartment a good bit away from her childhood home, not wanting to relive the memories that the house holds.  

Carmen is 5'0", and 132 pounds. She has shoulder-length, dark brown hair that fades to blonde at the ends that is usually worn in a high ponytail. Her hair is naturally wavy, but she straightens it often. Carmen is very strong, with very muscular legs from years of playing sports. Carmen mostly wears comfortable workout clothing. She never wears anything midriff-baring, as she is self-conscious about the burn scar on her side. When she isn't wearing workout clothes, she enjoys wearing clothes with bright parents and mostly yellows.


Carmen is extremely sporty, and can be remembered for her enthusiasm towards anything athletic. She also sort of likes roleplaying games, although this is a newer interest that she gained after her ex-boyfriend brought her to one of his games. Carmen can be quite jealous, and although she tries to be the better person and be generous to others, sometimes she doesn't enjoy doing so. Besides her jealous streak, she is a fun-loving and overall nice individual. She is Carmen isn't very good at keeping secrets, especially the big ones. Therefore, she has no idea about Felix's gender identity. She is soft-spoken, but extremely extroverted, and was friendly to everyone at her high school, and at her college now. Carmen is optimistic, and has very high self-esteem. She just tries to love herself despite her flaws as she knows that most of them cannot be changed. She is looking to lose a few pounds, though. Carmen has very strong bonds with the members of her family, and always looks forward to seeing them. She considers her four high school friends to be her family as well, and visits them often too. One thing that Carmen cannot stand is stuttering. It wigs her out on the best of days and makes her extremely annoyed on the worst.

Carmen owns a lot of sports memorabilia, such as autographs and jerseys. She keeps these things on a dresser in her apartment, and treasures them all. She keeps her high-school rugby jersey in a frame above this dresser as she looks back on her high-school sports career very fondly. She also kept the gifts that Emil gave her while they were dating as she wanted to bring a piece of him back to the states. She also has an old record player and a collection of vinyl records that her father gave her as a graduation present. She will often buy vinyl copies of her favorite albums to listen to, as she loves using the record player and considers it her most prized posession. She thanks her dad for it every time she sees him, and shows him the records she's bought since the last time they've spoke. It helps them bond. She's also been pursuing a boy from her intro Psych class, but he seems aloof.


Kind boys
Family gatherings


Being idle
Her height
Strong perfume



Sports: Carmen has pretty much done sports her entire life. She is quite good, although she can often slip into the "everyone on this team is lower than me" mindset. Carmen is very competitive, so she is usually on the offense even if it isn't the best strategy at the time.

Family: Carmen forms very close bonds with people, her family members being no exception. The person she's closest to is her brother Miguel, who she saved from their burning house when he was just a baby. She loves spending time with him, and she's practically his second mom. When she's home, she plays soccer with him in their backyard.

Dating: Carmen isn't one to jump headfirst into a relationship anymore. After Emil, she tried to look for someone just like him, to no avail. She's currently seeing someone, but she isn't sure what their relationship status is just yet and she's a little scared to ask. She's starting to like him, though, and really hopes that their relationship can continue to thrive.

Height: Carmen has always found her height to be problematic, and she's always wished that she was taller. Her twelve-year-old brother is seven inches taller than her, and she always hates that people think he's older. She especially doesn't like that she's shorter than Felix, if only by a couple inches, because he would always lord it over her that he was taller since he couldn't say that often. However, she knows that she has no control over her height so she chooses to look on the bright side.


Story Summary

Carmen was born in Dallas, Texas to two Mexican immigrants. She lived with her two parents, her grandfather, and her younger brother Miguel. Her brother is five years younger than her, and she loves him dearly. When Carmen was younger, she was raised by her grandfather since her parents worked most of the time. Her grandfather was the only other family she’d known, her grandmother having divorced him years prior. She still lived in Mexico, but they were so far estranged that Carmen had never met her. He was like a second father to her, and taught her about the culture she’d missed out on. However, when Carmen was around six or seven years old, an unidentified man set a fire on their front porch. The fire soon spread to the rest of the house. Carmen was able to grab her baby brother Miguel before escaping, but she was burned on the right side of her body. After meeting up with the rest of her family, she was devastated to find that her grandfather wasn't with them. She waited for him to leave the house, but was finally pulled away when the emergency services arrived, as the burn on her abdomen needed medical attention. Later, her grandfather's body was discovered in his room, as he had fallen and broken a hip when trying to escape. Carmen was absolutely devastated by his passing, and refused to believe he was gone. She carried a small stuffed bunny he’d given her soon after she was born, talking to it like his spirit lived on inside it. To her, it did.

Carmen never really felt at home after her grandfather's passing. He’d given her everything she knew, and in an instant some wrathful stranger had taken it all away. She coasted through adolescence, making an attempt to fill the void in her heart with other people but not connecting with a single one. When she was in eighth grade, she was given the opportunity to transfer to a high school in Ireland. She graciously accepted, and went off to Ireland the next year. This is where she met Emil. Carmen really grew to like him, and pretty soon she realized she realized she was in love with him. Emil was rather surprised that Carmen was interested in him, since she was beautiful and he was “a wreck” in his own words. Their relationship started off pretty well. Carmen craved the attention she got from him, as despite being friendly with everyone at school she never felt like she was anyone's first choice. They were both very good matches for each other, but Carmen felt like Emil was hiding some things from her. She didn't want to sound controlling, but she dislikes being left out of the loop, and she wanted someone to trust her as much as she trusted them. On top of this, Felix, who was Emil’s best friend, seemed to hate her. It wouldn't have bothered her much, but it started to seem like Felix was purposefully trying to keep them apart. Emil often seemed to have plans when she wanted to hang out, and he seemed a bit aloof. Carmen knew that he wasn't cheating on her, but she did know that it had something to do with Felix himself. It didn’t really take Carmen long to find out why. Carmen tried not to let it bother her that Emil’s best friend, who he trusted much more than her, also had a huge crush on him. She really did. However, they were only a year into their relationship when he suddenly broke it off. Carmen was extremely hurt, as she didn't know why, but she soon found out when she went to school the next day.Emil had done it in an attempt to cut ties before attempting suicide. She immediately felt horrible for lashing out at him, and profusely apologized for being an asshole the next time she was able to see him. She was understanding when he said that he wasn't in the right frame of mind for a relationship, as the circumstances surrounding their breakup were more serious than she was used to. Felix and Emil seemed a lot closer than she remembered, although she may have just drawn closer to them. To Carmen’s surprise, Emil was interested in keeping close despite the fact that they were no longer together. This was one of the first times that she’d felt truly wanted by any of her friends, and she thrived. Carmen held out hope on rekindling her relationship with Emil for a whole year. However, one thing led to another, and she inadvertently walked in on Emil making out with his best friend. She was most certainly miffed about the whole ordeal, but not surprised. Not surprised in the slightest. While Emil maintained his friendship with her, Carmen felt just a bit more distant from her once-boyfriend.

After high school, she returned to Texas. Not wanting to return to her parents house, she sold much of her old things to get the money for an apartment. Her brother visits her as often as he can, but it’s a long drive for her parents so she usually has to wait until one of her breaks to drive down. She's going to college on a partial sports scholarship, studying education. She wants to become a teacher, possibly for the lower grades. She's not the brightest, but she has a good heart and likes working with children. She will join the weekly games with the others, but they've never really been her favorite thing and she mostly does it to continue interacting with Emil. The other two seem a bit cold towards her, but she can understand why. She uses Allie's laptop to join the game via voice chat but sometimes Allie will mute her if she starts getting a little weird.



Emil Harper

[ ex-boyfriend, best friend ]
Carmen met Emil at a pretty low point in his life, but she tried her best to help him. Even though she couldn't really provide what he needed at the time, she still kinda has feelings for him (although she's trying to just stay friends instead of completely ruining their relationship).


[ "friend" ]
Despite the... obvious points of contention between the two, they still manage to have a shaky friendship. During high school, they had a lot of "friendly" competition that impeded the growth of their friendship. They don't see each other too often anymore, but they can pretend to like each other during D&D games even if Carmen can't stand to see him with Emil.


[ friend ]
Carmen only hung out with Allie because she was there at first, but after a while she really started to like her. Allie hung out more with Felix since they were best friends, but Carmen still enjoyed being around her when she could.

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